A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Our only boast before Yahweh can be our willingness to obey – our qualities, personal achievements, and so forth do not impress Yahweh. What we know to be true in Yahweh’s House – attitude always trumps ability.
Men’s Presentation
The Great Deacons…
In the beginning, Yahweh gave mankind healthy sustenance but because of sin the food supply has become weakened – often tasteless, lacking nutrients, tainted with pesticides, contaminated; much of our food supply now harms us, leading to sickness and disease
Yahweh also directed mankind as to what to eat and not eat – the clean/unclean laws benefit us when followed; Yahweh’s Servants will guard the food supply for all eternity
Yahweh’s Truth (His Laws) is our protection; if we break His Laws, we lose His Protection
Guard ourselves not to lose our first focus, Yahweh and His House; to do this, remember to follow and adhere to the teachings of Yisrayl Hawkins
Yahweh has set before us the opportunity to have rulership over the works of His Hands – we have opportunity to become His Special Treasure – His Family
Care, concern for others and forgiveness are key to holding on to our first love and assure us we can endure until the end; do our part and help one another to achieve the goal; the love we have for one another will help us to run the race together and will be our testimony that we are like Yahweh and Yahshua
The Great Kohans…
Things occur in our lives that can change our direction – seeking the Truth and finding The House of Yahweh changes our lives
Think Law – it is light, it will lead you; Wake up – thoughts, actions, attitudes, can quickly change our focus, therefore when Yahweh guides, through His Servant, we have opportunity to hold on to our goal; be obedient, submissive, humble
The Secrets of Yahweh are understood in these Last Days because Yahweh’s Plan, in action, reveals all things through fulfilled Prophecy – Yisrayl teaches, we understand parables because we believe in Yahweh!
Be alert – the Message will be preached, published and reach every nation, the Message is for all inhabitants of the earth
The basics of the Message, believing the Prophecies will get us into the Kingdom; run the race as a strong person; we don’t race each other but rather we race against Satan; the objective of the race is to achieve the prize – to become like Yahweh Himself
There are rules to our race – following the rules (Laws) is our test
Four main rules…
1) Seek Yahweh’s House – there is only one (Amosyah 3:7)
2) Go to the Priests at The House of Yahweh – they are dedicated to the Work
3) Ask first to receive direction
4) Do what they (the Priests, authorities) tell us to do
To follow the race – remain on the course set before us; cheaters are known by Yahweh (can’t hide from Yahweh)
Judgment begins at The House of Yahweh – actions prove our obedience more than our words; our test is not to prove our are qualities, successes, etc. in attempt to impress Yahweh – our test is to prove we love Yahweh by listening and obeying Him – therefore obey orders and follow instructions
Recognize potential problems – thoughts that form against instruction as though we know more than our authorities set over us
What makes a person strong? Righteousness; we have a Greatest Example – Yahweh is a Submissive Being, He follows His Own Laws – Yahweh’s Laws are proven to be Perfect
Yahshua is our example of the first one who competed in the race according to the rules (100%)
Yahweh chose Yisrayl Hawkins for same reason He chose biblical men of old – he is faithful to Yahweh
Pattern of Kingdom – ability to obey orders, therefore whatever we are assigned to do, do it with all our might
Scriptures: Psalm 19:5; I Corinthians 9:24-27; II Timothy 2:5; Deuteronomy 12:5, 17:9-11, 30:19-20; Ecclesiastes 9:10-11; Iyyob 38:3-4; Malakyah 4:5; Genesis 3:1-4, 22:18; I Kepha 2:21-22, 3:4-5; Hebrews 5:8, 12:2; Mattithyah 8:5-13; Galatians 5:7-8; I Kings 13:7-26; Ephesians 6:5-8
Conclusion: Remember our calling is to prove we will be obedient to Yahweh and His Laws. Furthermore, we follow Yisrayl’s example of being faithful in Yahweh’s House.