A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Review, 14th of Isayah
Highlights from today’s Service (12/22/2018)…
Men’s Presentation – Guard the Sanctuary at all Times
Negative influences affect the weak, we must remain strong – guard against following/becoming evil like Gods; Peaceful Solution Character Education Program helps develop positive character
Use time wisely – organize, plan; Yahweh is our best example, tried/tested Laws; Perfect Will of Yahweh is for His People to become Like Him; our tests/trials will become our testimonies
Invest time in study; practice what we study; the more we study, the more we learn, the more we learn – the more we know
Review – study our notes/material from The House of Yahweh; reinforce what we know – habitually practice what we know to build Righteous habits; reward is what we look forward to if we apply ourselves to study
Before Passover, purge out old leaven; distractions prevent full attention on goals to come to Perfection
Avoid arguments/disputes as they generate strife; Yahweh’s Servants must not strive with one another; instruction/correction benefit those who quarrel
Satan is against us not our brothers and sisters; Yahshua is extraordinary Example – He washed Yahdah Iscariot’s feet, knowing this man would betray Him
Pastor told us to prepare according to Scripture; we are asked to evaluate our values/priorities because ultimately only our character is what we will take to Yahweh’s Kingdom; therefore, fill our minds with as much Righteous information as possible
Endure means to last, remain firm under suffering without yielding; how long must we endure – forever!
Allow tests/trials to work in our lives in order to qualify for positions in Yahweh’s Kingdom
Psalm 19:1-3 fulfilled in our lifetime – the Words of Life are available 24/7
Yahweh created us with a carnal mind to prove if we will choose Righteousness over evil; wisdom and knowledge (Laws of Yahweh) provide stability in our lives; we are living proof that Yahweh’s Laws can be lived by – we are witnesses
First lie told to man was that they have immortal soul/will live forever, second lie – experience the forbidden to learn the results of sin – experience is not the best teacher, plus sin separates us from Yahweh
Culture is characteristics of daily life, which – has become a culture of death 1) 1965 birth control pills gave rights to choose fornication/adultery 2) genetically modified foods/pesticides promote corporate farms – family farms struggle to be profitable 3) technology promotes violence – TV, games, etc. 4) legalized abortion 5) legalized sorcery (prescription drugs) leads to addiction, death from overdose, suicide; legalized marijuana affecting minds 6) legalized same sex marriage 7) warfare – nation against nation
A few verses from today’s presentation: I Corinthians 15:13; I Thessalonians 5:6; I Kepha 5:8-10; Genesis 1:1-2, 3:4; Romans 8:19-21, 12:2, 14:1; II Timothy 2:14,15, 24-26; Malachi 3:6, 4:2; Deuteronomy 6:2, 17:18-19, 32:47; Luke 13:24; II Kepha 3:10-11; Yaaqob 1:2-4; Mattithyah 4:3-10, 13:20-21; Psalm 19:1-3, 7-9; Isayah 33:6; Yahchanan 1:12; Leviticus 18:1, 3, 22, 24
Conclusion: Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city (Revelation 22:14)