A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Women’s Portion
- Lamplight studies reveal Yahshua (foundation), Yisrayl (finishing), and work of the donkeys
- Lamplight builds structure within family unit
- Yisrayl speaks highly of his parents, and their teachings by lamplight when he was young
- Yisrayl appointed as Branch, we listen carefully
List of numbers today: 753, 756, 464, 2784, 3619, 1074, 322, 1696, 1700, 74, 71, 5216, 5135, 5214, 3042, 1818, 303, 2818, 1932, 856, 575, 1476, 5618, 1121, 1129, 6726, 6725, 5136, 785, 6066, 6845
Scriptures today: I Corinthians 3:10, Psalm 119:165, Mattithyah 24:14, Revelation 10:7, 12:6, Proverbs 2:4-5
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code Topic – “Flee to the mountain” reveals no waver, war x3, calamitous, darkening, ark of the covenant, flight, winter, Sabbath, not, YHWH, tribulation, false messiahs coming, ending time or season is now, establish, Lilith, Abel Way
- List of numbers from Gematria – Last 3 ½ Years reveals: 1962, 2232, 2955, 3124, 5819, 2862, 2478, 2331, 610, 611, 2423, 2022, 337, 2466, 1356, 411, 8096, 666, 2218, 896, 1674, 1723, 1404, 234, 211, 1356, 226, 864, 2019, 864, 2511, 2505, 2076, 613, 266, 2514, 2730, 2507, 1170
Scriptures: Mattithyah 6:33, 24:16, 20, 25; Yeremyah 11:21, Deuteronomy 12:5, Hebrews 25:11, Daniyl 9:27
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- Riots in Hong Kong, Sudan violence, Libya conflicts
- US making deals with Poland
- Turkey to choose between NATO and Russia
- Israeli missile attacks on Syria continue, Iran accused of oil tanker attack
- Pope Francis met with oil leaders in Rome, Putin’s Vatican meeting
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began on hidden codes and spoke on several details relating to “flee to the mountain.”
A few of today’s highlights…
- House of Yahweh is reaching every nation, which is its prophesied work; Pentecost services reached almost 200,000 people with scriptural warning; the second half of tribulation will be the worst in history and must be cut short
- The children in The House of Yahweh could teach world leaders the way to Peace; parents are encouraged to teach their children diligently
- Vatican using global warming issue as means to build up worst time in man’s history – they want to resurrect the Roman army and one world order
- Yahshua was guided by His mother; furthermore, He suffered much to get to the point to say… “Yahweh’s Will only”; Mosheh’s mother taught him to have no part of the world – he was willing to work and suffer for the Work of Yahweh; another example of a great man of Yahweh: Yahchanan the Immerser; these examples are guides for everyone to teach our children – it’s not too late
- Pastor rehearses several articles including the climate crisis, Yerusalem Embassy Act, US current military strategy will not work, China/Russia developing their own strategies
- Daniyl 9:24 – 2,500 years later, Daniyl’s words are coming to pass in our day; Revelation 10:7 shows The House of Yahweh would bring this to the entire world prior to the nuclear bombs
- Daniyl 9:27 – “And he” Pastor explains this is the prince of demons/lord of heavenly habitation
- Pastor reminds us that we must remain steadfast and obey; he also tells us there are more pulls at this time than ever before; those who endure the establishment, set up by Yahweh, will be selected for the Kingdom
- Pastor reminds us that this is the time of calling – we must wean ourselves off of the ways of the world, and establish ourselves before the heavens and the earth, as those who will govern in Righteousness