A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation – Qualify Quickly for Time is Running Out
Even though we are expecting to see the worst, at this time, Yahshua teaches us to encourage one another
Believe in the One Sent – know that we are qualifying for great positions even though we will be tested severely
Yahshua taught us to prove ourselves for the Kingdom; do not neglect our prayers, studies and counseling
Humble ourselves and yield to submitting to our authorities
We must seek the Kingdom of Yahweh first and not give in to worldly influences
Is the Kingdom of Yahweh real to us at this time – consider Pastor’s words about the earth being alive and his instruction to study Iyyob 38, and understand that there is a lesson in every experience we’ve had in Yahweh’s House for our benefit and learning, therefore how do we utilize our time
Endure what we must go through to qualify and listen to the encouragement we receive from our sisters in order to grow in Righteousness
Yahweh’s Work is cared for by our Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins, and through his efforts, The House of Yahweh will be prepared for the Great Work of the Kingdom
Everyone is striving and learning to become Teachers of Righteousness
Obey the Voice of Yahweh, walk in His Ways to become the Holy, Special People of Yahweh
The fine linen is the Righteousness of the Saints – tzitzit #3467 or 6734 – Yahweh will save His Servants from their sins; 713 purple; 322 Pastor’s tag number; man dressed in linen #1074
Feasts are an opportunity to rejoice, to be rejuvenated, enabling us to withstand tests and trials; be proactive, diligent to put forth effort to overcome
Understand the Will of Yahweh and pursue Righteousness, bless do not criticize, remember Yahweh is in full control
The carnal mind is at enmity with Yahweh, but Yahweh’s Plan is for mankind to yield to obedience by Righteousness; what is at stake is our will/our desire; therefore, we cannot do whatever is right in our own mind/heart; trust in Yahweh is a necessity; people may let us down, but Yahweh will not
In The House of Yahweh we desire to turn from sin; therefore we study, attend classes, continue in prayer; King Solomon is great example because his desire was to serve Yahweh and Yahweh’s people
Some scriptural references covered today: Hebrews 10:24-25; Ephesians 5:8-14, 15-20; Isayah 41:10, 60:1-5; II Kepha 3:10, 14; Genesis 4:7; Yeremyah 17:9-10; Mattithyah 24:49, 25:14-30; Malakyah 3:16-17, 4:5-6; Iyyob 38:1-3, 11-14, 25; Luke 13:18-19; Revelation 22:14-16; Exodus 4:10-16, 19:4-5; Yeremyah 1:9; Deuteronomy 7:6, 28:1, 9; I Kepha 2:5; Acts 9:31; Romans 6:16; Zecharyah 13:9; Psalm 27:4, 37:4; Proverbs 11:23; II Chronicles 1:10-12
Conclusion: Be of great courage – wait on Yahweh but do not wait to overcome. Be responsible and be ready for what the day may bring. Be willing to do the Will of Yahweh