A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Gematria
- Helpmeet characteristics rehearsed; “holy women of new” love, live, and teach the Laws
- The Book of Yahweh, the Holy Scriptures reveal Yahweh’s power, therefore it is just as alive as we are
- Yahweh is in full control as revealed in Gematria
- Yahweh has given us the purpose to be teachers of Yahweh’s Laws; Yisrayl helps us get “Egypt” out of our lives
- Yisrayl teaches from pulpit and continues many of his topics in his written work found in PW, NL, Blog Letters (fulfills Prophecy of preaching and publishing the Message)
- KJV facts shows connection to Yisrayl in Last Days; we have opportunity to assist Yisrayl to reach the nations
Numbers today: 3109, 2298, 383, 3426, 1961, 1933, 1122, 1129, 512, 3072, 1074, 3415, 2022, 3423, 666, 396, 828, 4862, 828, 138, 1782, 1781, 1777, 713, 4470, 2724, 6660
Scriptures today: Isayah 2:2-3, 42:1,4, 44:5; Revelation 11:1,3, 12:6, 16; Psalms 91:1; Malakyah 4:5; Exodus 15
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code: Deacon Michayl rehearsed last week’s information on the Witness Yaaqob; today he presented part II which reveals: Odessa, House of Yahweh, decoy, lure, Hillyl, from Abeline, messenger, sixth era, to Israel, lukewarm, spew or vomit out, Nazareth, donkey, 1074, witness, Prophetic Watchman
- Numbers in Gematria – “Yahweh Himself Will Bring Forth a Sign, The Time/Season of Calamity” reveals the following numbers: 1962, 1074, 1696, 1062, 322, 2211, 1320, 1326, 1188, 2983, 4725, 3068, 3936, 656, 1016, 124, 744, 738, 717, 378, 454, 3482, 2774, 2717, 2805, 3707, 1515
Scriptures: Daniyl 8:13; Mattithyah 23:39; Psalm 10:2, 118:26; Revelation 12:3; Isayah 44:7, 31, 59:15; Proverbs 28:1; Ephesians 6:12-13
In the News – Kohan Yliyah h.
- Florida algae bloom from commercial farming
- Middle East – Israel/Iran exchange threats; UK military presence; Assange accused of exposing military secrets
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with numbers in viewing audience upwards of 200,000.
- Trump Temple Coin reflects historic event with prophetic vision for Third Temple
- Scripture tells us to redeem our time, and Pastor admonishes us to focus on study, prayer, and be cautious of idle conversation
- Pastor states “holy women of new” are “Norah” today, they teach their children and support Yisrayl in women’s presentations
- Pastor explains recent news events relating to Turkey, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and USA – all reflect an attitude of war
- 733 billion dollar National Defense Authorization bill passed
- In 70 AY temple destroyed and no attempts to find/restore site until 1948
- Genesis 49:1, 8-10 reveals Prophecy in action – written in 1689 BY, Pastor explains that we would see religions in this time period supporting Yahdah/the Catholic Church (leader of religions of the earth in service to the Gods)
- Revelation 6:6 – hurt not the oil – US warning to EU nations not to go against their sanctions upon Iran
- Revelation 13 shows two-horned beast – the Christians (Protestants and Catholics); they teach the lies of modern holidays which are directly from Goddess/God worship pagan practices