My Dear Friends,
Nuclear wars are coming very soon and they will catch the majority of the world totally off guard. There is a lot of chaos in the world today, but nothing like what you will see in the near future. Envision a nuclear bomb exploding over your city, killing millions and sending out devastating radioactive waves of imminent death and nuclear fallout, causing severe pain and burning, all of which will make death a welcomed sight.
Along with this devastation, all utilities that we have become so dependent upon will shut down. This means no electricity, running water, transportation, communication systems, etc. Yes, your computer, television, phone, and vehicle will stop working. Most people cannot stand the thought of, or don’t think about, living without these conveniences and services. Even worse, most people have not, and are not, prepared for it. Yet, this is our bleak future. The following information shows how life as we know it will suddenly be changed.
Nuclear Weapon Effects
Nuclear detonations are the most devastating of the weapons of mass destruction.
A nuclear detonation creates a severe environment including blast, thermal pulse, neutrons, x- and gamma-rays, radiation, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and ionization of the upper atmosphere. Depending upon the environment in which the nuclear device is detonated, blast effects are manifested as ground shock, water shock, “blueout,” cratering, and large amounts of dust and radioactive fallout. All pose problems for the survival of friendly systems and can lead to the destruction or neutralization of hostile assets.
Nuclear Weapons
Frequently Asked Questions
5.0 Effects of Nuclear Explosions
Nuclear explosions produce both immediate and delayed destructive effects. Immediate effects (blast, thermal radiation, prompt ionizing radiation) are produced and cause significant destruction within seconds or minutes of a nuclear detonation. The delayed effects (radioactive fallout and other possible environmental effects) inflict damage over an extended period ranging from hours to centuries, and can cause adverse effects in locations very distant from the site of the detonation.
5.5 Electromagnetic Effects
The high temperatures and energetic radiation produced by nuclear explosions also produce large amounts of ionized (electrically charged) matter which is present immediately after the explosion. Under the right conditions, intense currents and electromagnetic fields can be produced, generically called EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse), that are felt at long distances. Living organisms are impervious to these effects, but electrical and electronic equipment can be temporarily or permanently disabled by them. Ionized gases can also block short wavelength radio and radar signals (fireball blackout) for extended periods.
The effects of these field on electronics is difficult to predict, but can be profound. Enormous induced electric currents are generated in wires, antennas, and metal objects (like missiles, airplanes, and building frames). Commercial electrical grids are immense EMP antennas and would be subjected to voltage surges far exceeding those created by lightning, and over vastly greater areas. Modern VLSI chips are extremely sensitive to voltage surges, and would be burned out by even small leakage currents.
Finally, an atmospheric blast of a nuclear “device” creates an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) which can be as large as Pakistan or even India — perhaps even larger than India and Pakistan together. The higher the altitude of the blast, the bigger the circle of damage will be from the EMP. This is a very serious concern for those of us in the high-tech industries, such as myself. The Electro-Magnetic Pulse will electrify all sorts of metallic structures that are not normally electrified except by the occasional short circuit or lightening strike. This will be a lot like the whole country getting struck by lightening all at the same time.
As computer chips make better and better use of “real estate”, using more and more delicate electronic circuits, the more tightly-packed transistors, capacitors, diodes and resistors become more and more vulnerable to the EMP which will be carried into the chips via the connecting wires. The Electro-Magnetic Pulse is one of the reasons above-ground testing was stopped. (The other reason was that it became impossible to deny that the radiation dispersed by the tests was killing people.)
Pacemakers, for example, may stop working because of the “hit” from the EMP. It will be quite something to see people in a thousand mile radius of the epicenter of the blast (or further) who are using pacemakers, suddenly drop dead, and all the computers permanently go down and all the lights go out, all at the same time. And commercial and private aircraft will drop out of the sky, since their sensitive electronics and fly-by-wire systems are not very well shielded from the EMP. Theseplanes will then not be available for evacuation purposes, nor will they be available to air-drop food, water, morphine and cyanide, all of which will be in great demand throughout the area.
Home plumbing systems and most other plumbing systems are good examples of large metallic structures that will suddenly become electrified, destroying the motors, gauges, electronics, etc. which are attached to the plumbing systems. More and more pumping equipment is computer controlled nowadays for efficiency. Imbedded controllers are becoming prevalent but as they do, the potential damage from the Electro-Magnetic Pulse increases dramatically.
Train tracks will also carry the charge, as well as telephone wiring. All these things will have a nearly simultaneous surge of energy sent through them, igniting gas containers such as fuel storage tanks, propane tanks, and so on. Whatever doesn’t blow up will at least stop working.
The Savior said that love would grow cold in this time period, and we are seeing this more and more throughout the world. Selfishness and hatred are already extreme at this time. On the news lately, you have probably seen the hatred displayed by the protesters and the city officials, as well, who send out their police forces to hurt and even kill, creating even more hatred and causing more retaliation.
The hatred that has been shown for the kings in foreign nations is beyond extreme—slander, capture, torture, even murder has taken place. But that was in a foreign land; they’re all crazy over there, right? So that makes it ok?
What about the United States of America? Surely, hatred doesn’t exist here. Notice the following articles and headlines showing the hatred in the U.S.A.
Michael Bloomberg to Congress: Time to expect riots
US Food Riots Much Closer Than You Think
10 Signs That US Riots And Unrest Are Now More Likely Than Ever
1 no place is safe
2 civil unrest
3 consumer confidence at its lowest
4 joblessness
5 mindless violence
6 flash mobs
7 struggling Americans
8 forgotten poor
9 sales of safes and vaults soaring
10 overcrowded cities
Christmas season of greed descends on us
Violence, pepper spray mar Black Friday shopping
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Black Friday turned into a black mark against American shoppers as riotous crowds brawled over video games, waffle irons and towels, drawing international condemnation and even raising questions about the state of humanity.
Incidents across the country included a man shot by robbers in the parking lot outside the San Leandro, California store and shoppers sprayed by security at a store in Kinston, North Carolina.
A video of a grandfather injured when he was knocked down by police at an Arizona Walmart went viral on YouTube. The video showed the man unconscious and bleeding from his face as police rolled him over and mopped up blood.
According to reports, the man was knocked down by police after putting a video game in his belt to free his hands so he could pick up his grandson as the crowd surged around them.
Will the Occupy Movement Deliberately Turn Violent?
With the Occupy movement becoming increasingly confrontational nationwide, there are indications that the anti-capitalist movement is turning violent deliberately. The adroit agitators intermixed among the idealistic but misguided young people, the street radicals bent above all on attacking the U.S. economic system, see violent revolution as a key route to the transformation of our country into their version of the socialist utopia.
A look at the organizers of the most recent pre-planned Day of Action spotlights a large, radical group, a latter-day Red Army of seasoned activists who have been discreetly guiding Occupy since the movement’s onset and whose history is colored with previous mayhem while their plans for the immediate future raise serious questions. Just yesterday, the Occupy movement posted online plans for “alternative forms of protest,” including flash mobs that can be deployed nationwide.
In day of protests, “Occupy Wall Street” faces police violence
COMMENTARY Confronted by two topless young women taking part in the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York today, several police officers responded by whipping out their own tools of the trade — nightsticks.
In a fracas that typified the tense atmosphere across lower Manhattan, the women were roughly pushed around the sidewalk along Broadway in front of famed Trinity Church, while some protesters were knocked down, said two people involved in the incident.
There were other reports of police violence Thursday amid crowds that some media outlets put in the thousands. Some of these altercations, such as the one above, seemed unprovoked. Others appeared touched off in part by protesters removing barricades erected to control the demonstrations. But in both cases the level of violence suggested, at best, indiscipline by individual cops and at worst official license to cause bodily harm.
One Occupy-affiliated protester in New York, who said he was a former NYPD officer, echoed this theme of an increasingly aggressive, militarized police prone to responding to mostly peaceful protests with inappropriate force. The police are “jacked up” to crack down, he told me.
Police violence will only result in planned revolutions with weapons to use against the police.
Ethical Leadership and Police Violence Against Protestors: Americans Deserve Better
There are few things more un-democratic than the abuse of violence to silence a voice of protest. And yet that is exactly what we have seen at university campuses and in city parks across the country over the past weeks. Some have argued that this outburst of brutality is the result of a decade of creepingmilitarization of police departments. There is something to this argument and it is reflected in the difficulty in distinguishing between the uniforms, weaponry, and popular publications for police officers and the same equipment and literature that are produced for soldiers. However, even the most over-equipped and on-edge police officers will only abuse their power to harm civilians if they believe that their chain of command will support their actions. In other words, these events happen because of the absolute failure of moral leadership
Ethical leadership is not some kind of an abstract construct that we can’t apply to our everyday lives. In this security obsessed world of ours it is more important than ever. A lack of ethical leadership by civilians and soldiers is exactly what led to the atrocities at Abu Ghraib.
When I see UC Davis police officers in riot gear spraying seated students in the face with mace, it is clear that neither they nor their superiors have even tried to live up to the ethical challenge that we demand of our soldiers who work and live in much more difficult positions.
More troubling than these patent failures of ethical leadership is the way that the images of continuing violence against protest movements in the Middle East are now much harder to separate mentally from the actions taken by local government leaders on American soil.
The Savior, Yahshua Messiah, sent the Two Witnesses to warn you, and all nations of this generation, of the hatred that we would see in this time period. Notice His Words of warning.
.Mattithyah 24:3, 7-8, 12, 37—
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; natural disasters, in place after place:
8 All these are the first half of the sorrows; tribulation!
12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.
37 But just as the days of Noah were, so will also be the coming of the Son of Man.
In verse 37, the Savior said this time period would be like the days of Noah. What were those days like?
.Genesis 6:5, 11-13—
5 Then Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every intent of the thoughts ofman’s heart was only evil, continually.
11 The earth also was corrupt before Yahweh, and the earth was lawless, filled with violence.
12 So Yahweh looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all mankind had corrupted their way on the earth.
13 And Yahweh said to Noah: The end of all mankind has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violencethrough them; and they; mankind, have corrupted themselves with the earth.
The hatred and violence are as extreme today as they were in the days of Noah. The willingness to kill, and what seems like the joy of killing and brutalizing, is present in the hearts and minds of today’s population. However, the weapons used to kill are much more devastating.
The Savior also shows that in this generation love would grow cold because of the many false prophets, who bring forth and actually teach iniquity.
According to the Greek dictionary in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the word iniquity is word #458 from word #459, and means: not subject to the Laws; that is, doing away with the Laws.
In the King James Version, as well as all other translations of the Inspired Writings of the Prophets and Apostles, the Savior said that in the Last Days, because of iniquity, love would grow cold.
.Matthew 24:11-12, KJV—
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
.Mattithyah 24:11-12, BOY—
11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.
12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.
The Hebrew and Greek words rendered iniquity in English actually meandoing away with Yahweh’s Laws; the very Laws that show the way to health, joy, peace, and love. Yahweh inspired His Prophets to write these Laws for mankind because it is in His Plan to make mankind into His Likeness and Image in order to give mankind rulership. This can only be done through the keeping of Yahweh’s Laws.
.Genesis 1:26—
Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have rulership…
The Prophets of Yahweh said that Yahweh’s Laws are the Light of Yahweh, which guide mankind to the perfection of the Image and Likeness of Yahweh. Notice first:
.Proverbs 6:20-23—
20 My son, keep Yahweh’s Laws, and do not forsake the teaching and instruction in the Laws (Torah) given by The House of Yahweh.
21 Bind them in your mind forever, and tie them around your neck.
22 When you go, they will lead you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak with you.
23 For the Commandments are a Lamp, the Laws are light, and reproofs of instruction are the way to life:
.Psalm 119:105—
Your Laws are a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path.
Notice the word light.
From Your Precepts we get understanding! Therefore, we hate every path of falsehood; every false teaching!
Notice, they give understanding so we can be like Yahweh and learn to hate falsehood and learn to shun anything that disrupts peace.
.Psalm 119:130—
The unfolding of Your Laws gives light; they give understanding to the simple.
They are a light to the simple. The simple are those who have not been taught Yahweh’s Righteousness. It’s Yahweh’s Righteousness that assures peace, joy and love. This can be seen in each of the Ten Commandments, the Statutes, and the Judgments.
It’s also what you see between any two people who agree to abide by those Laws in cohabitation. They also work with children and have been proven to work with nations.
The Laws of Yahweh show the way to life, peace, health and love. They convert a person who practices them.
.Psalm 19:7—
The Laws of Yahweh are Perfect, converting the whole person. The Testimony of Yahweh is sure, making the simple ones wise.
Yahchanan (John, KJV) knew this, and he came from Galilee to Yerusalem teaching men to repent of their sins and convert to practicing Yahweh’s Laws.
.Mattithyah 3:1-2—
1 In those days came Yahchanan the Immerser, preaching in the wilderness of Yahdah,
2 And saying; Repent! For the Kingdom of Yahweh is at hand!
Notice what Yahchanan said to the Pharisees before they moved to Rome and changed their name.
.Mattithyah 3:2-10—
2 And saying; Repent! For the Kingdom of Yahweh is at hand!
3 For this is he who was spoken of by the Prophet Isayah, saying; The voice of one crying in the wilderness; Prepare the way of Yahweh, make straight a highway for our Father.
4 This Yahchanan; Yahweh is Merciful, wore a Tallit of rough linen, and he was zealous for the Laws of Yahweh because he was trained to be a teacher, namely, of the Laws of Yahweh.
5 Then people from Yerusalem and all Yahdah, and from all the region surrounding Yardan went out to him;
6 And confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Yardan River.
7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them; O brood of vipers, you have been betrayed! Someone has told you that you are safe from the Judgment that is to come!
8 Bring forth fruits befitting repentance!
9 And do not think you can say to yourselves: We have Abraham as our father! For I say to you that Yahweh is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones!
10 And the ax is already laid against the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree which does not bear Righteous fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.
One thing to keep in mind, the pope and many Christian preachers want you to believe that the Pharisees kept Yahweh’s Laws and hated Yahchanan, Yahshua Messiah and the Apostles because they taught against Yahweh’s Laws. But, as you can see, that teaching is falsehood.
The Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes all fought against Yahweh’s Laws. They persecuted the Prophets of Yahweh for teaching Yahweh’s Laws, the same as they did the Savior. They killed Yahchanan and Yahshua because they both taught that one must believe and practice Yahweh’s Written Laws instead of the traditions of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes.
Sin is the breaking of Yahweh’s Laws.
.I Yahchanan 3:4—
Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
Notice, Yahshua Messiah exposed their sins.
.Yahchanan 15:22-23—
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.
23 He who hates Me, also hates My Father.
Now with that in mind, read on. Mattithyah 3:9 shows they claimed Abraham as their father. In the book, The Keys of this Blood, by the late Malachi Martin, a Catholic writer, he shows that the Catholics trace their roots back to the ancient Israelites who rebelled against Mosheh and the Prophet Samuyl.
1 When Samuyl became old, he made his sons judges over Israyl.
2 The name of his firstborn was Yahyl; Yahweh is Strength, and the name of his second was Abiyah; My Father is Yahweh. They judged in Beersheba;
3 But his sons did not walk in his ways. They sought dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.
4 Then all the elders of Israyl gathered together and approached Samuyl when he was at Ramah,
5 Saying to him; You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Appoint us a king to judge us; just like all the other nations.
6 But these things displeased Samuyl, especially when they said; Give us a king to judge us. Then Samuyl prayed to Yahweh.
7 Yahweh answered Samuyl, and said: Listen to all the words the people speak to you, for they have not rejected you; they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.
8 Just as they have done to Me from the day I brought them out of Egypt, to this very day, they are now doing to you—they are forsaking Me in order to serve God(s); Elohim!
Did the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes persecute those who taught the Laws of Yahweh then, as they do now? They beheaded Yahchanan the Immerser. Then came Yahshua, also from Galilee, preaching repentance.
.Mattithyah 3:13—
Then Yahshua came from Galilee to the Yardan, to Yahchanan, to be baptized by him.
Did they accept the Light preached by the Savior? No! In fact, they hated what He preached, so they persecuted Him and killed Him by hanging Him on a stake. The light Yahchanan and Yahshua brought is shown in:
.Mattithyah 4:17—
From that time Yahshua began to preach, and to say: Repent, for the Kingdom of Yahweh is at hand!
.Luke 13:3—
I tell you, No! But unless you repent you will all likewise perish!
But He said to him: Why do you question Me about Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter into life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.
.Mattithyah 5:6—
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after Righteousness, for they will be filled.
Notice the word Righteousness and compare with:
.Deuteronomy 6:1, 7, 25—
1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;
7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.
25 And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.
.I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
.Mattithyah 6:33—
But seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
This is the Light in the Plan of Yahweh. Did the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes believe Yahchanan or Yahshua Messiah? No!
.Yahchanan 1:1-13—
1 In the beginning was the Plan of Yahweh, and the Plan was with Yahweh, and the Plan was Yahweh’s.
2 The same Plan was in the beginning with Yahweh.
3 All things were done according to it, and without it nothing was done, that was done.
4 In this Plan was life, and that life was the light to mankind.
5 Now that light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not take hold of it.
6 There was a man sent from Yahweh, whose name was Yahchanan.
7 Yahchanan came as a witness, that he might testify of the Light, that all men, through it; the Light, might believe.
8 Not that he was the Light, but that he was sent to testify of the Light,
9 That was the true Light which lights the way to the Kingdom for every man that comes into the world.
10 It was in the world, and the world was enlightened through it, but the world did not know Him; Yahweh.
11 He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him.
12 But as many as received Him, to those He gave authority to become the Sons of Yahweh to those who believe the testimony of Yahweh—
13 Who are begotten, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of Yahweh.
.Yahchanan 15:22-23—
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.
23 He who hates Me, also hates My Father.
Did the Apostles teach a different Light after Yahshua’s death? No! Notice the words begotten of Yahweh in verse 13. Compare:
.I Yahchanan 3:9—
Whoever is begotten of Yahweh does not commit sin; for His seed remains in him; and it is possible for him not to sin, because he has been begotten of Yahweh.
What is sin?
.I Yahchanan 3:4—
Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
Don’t be deceived. Remember:
.Revelation 12:9—
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. She was cast out into the earth, and her angels were cast out with her.
Don’t be deceived.
.I Yahchanan 3:7-11—
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
9 Whoever is begotten of Yahweh does not commit sin; for His Seed remains in him; and it is possible for him not to sin, because he has been begotten of Yahweh.
10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!
11 For this is the Message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
Notice verse 10 again—whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh. Yahweh is the Creator of mankind. Yahweh’s Plan is to make man in the Image and Likeness of Yahweh Himself. But if you do not choose to practice Righteousness, you belong to Satan.
.I Yahchanan 3:7-8—
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
You belong to whom you obey.
.Romans 6:16—
Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, his servants you are whom you obey—whether of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to Righteousness?
Catholics and Christians do not obey Yahweh or Yahshua, as you can plainly see from your own bible. Neither do any of the other war-raging religions. None practice Yahweh’s Laws except The House of Yahweh.
Remember, in the Last Days I (Yahweh) will establish My House and it will teach My Laws.
.Micahyah 4:1-3—
1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventuallyflow to it.
2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.
3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.
The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes did not practice or teach Yahweh’s Laws, neither do Catholics and Christians.
What Does Iniquity—Cold Love—And Deception Have To Do With Getting Ready For Nuclear War?
The Savior was asked about The End and destruction. The first words out of His mouth were, don’t let anyone deceive you. Yahshua was speaking to His Disciples, but the Message was for the last generation, for us, those living in this last generation with nuclear weapons at our disposal that can darken the sun.
.Mattithyah 24:3, 32-34, 29—
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and the End of the Ages?
32 Now learn a parable from the fig tree: When its branch becomes tender and puts out leaves, you know that summer is near.
33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and the End of the Ages is near, at the very door.
34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.
29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Now notice His warning concerning false teachings coming from the religions in the last generation (Mattithyah 24:34).
.Mattithyah 24:4—
Yahshua answered, and said to them: Be on guard, so that no man deceives you.
Remember, the Savior was speaking to His Disciples, but His Message is for us in this last generation when we can actually see the horrors He foretold of in:
.Mattithyah 24:7, 21-22, 29—
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, andpestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; natural disasters, in place after place:
21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.
29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
The Only Prophesied, True Savior is saying to YOU that deception is going to be Satan’s #1 tool to keep you from following His Teachings and receiving the protection of Yahweh. Because if you are cut off from Yahweh in this time period, neither you nor your loved ones will have protection from what is coming upon all the earth.
This world and its religions that teach iniquity, which destroys love and causes wars, will not show you how to get Yahweh’s Protection from the horrors that are coming.
Notice Yahshua’s Teaching before His end time warning.
.Mattithyah 4:17—
From that time Yahshua began to preach, and to say: Repent, for the Kingdom of Yahweh is at hand!
Repent? Yes! Repent of sin because sin cuts one off from Yahweh and protection.
.Isayah 59:1-2—
1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it cannot hear.
2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide HisFace from you, so He will not listen.
If Satan can separate you from Yahweh, as she has done to the entire world, you will not have the vital protection in this nuclear age that comes from Yahweh only. We’ll cover more on this promised protection later.
Remember, sin cuts one off from Yahweh and Yahshua so your prayers will not get through to either of them. So, what is sin?
It’s surprising how few know what sin is. The reason so few know is because the religions today are all deceived, as the Savior warned for this generation. All religions teach all nations, all states, all cities, all people on earth to sin. Teaching sin, you say! Yes! They teach all men, women and children to sin.
What is sin? Look for yourself in your own bible, or borrow one and look in it, and wake up to why this whole world is being led into nuclear war.
.I Yahchanan (John) 3:4—
Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
Sin is the breaking of Yahweh’s Laws written in your bible. Yahweh’s Laws show people how to live in peace. Do you see any peace in the world today? No! What we see today is exactly what the Savior said we would see in this time period.
.Mattithyah 24:7—
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences;disease epidemics, and earthquakes; natural disasters, in place after place.
The love of this whole world has grown cold.
.Mattithyah 24:12—
And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.
Because of false religions teaching the whole world deception and sin, love has grown cold. Christianity teaches that the Savior and Apostles did away with Yahweh’s Laws. That’s the very teaching the Savior warned was coming and told you to beware of it.
.Mattithyah 24:3-5—
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and the End of the Ages?
4 Yahshua answered, and said to them: Be on guard, so that no man deceives you;
5 For many will come against My Name, saying: I am anointed to preach Salvation!—and will deceive many.
.Mattithyah 24:24-25—
24 For there will arise false messiahs and false prophets who will show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very Elect.
25 Behold, I have warned you before-hand!
The Savior was a Prophet. He knew that Christianity would teach these false doctrines. Notice this very warning in:
.Mattithyah 5:17-20—
17 Do not even think that I have come to destroy the Laws or the Prophets; I have not come to destroy them,but to establish them.
18 For truly I say to you; Unless heaven and earth passes away, one yodh—the smallest of the letters—will in no way pass from the Law, until all things are perfected.
19 Whosoever, therefore, will break one of the least of these Laws, and will teach men so, he will be called the least in the Kingdom of Yahweh; but whosoever will do and teach them, the same will be called great in the Kingdom of Yahweh.
20 For I say to you: Unless your Righteousness exceeds the Righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will certainly not enter into the Kingdom of Yahweh.
Make sure you understand all that Yahshua said in those verses. In verse 17, He said, do not even think that I have come to destroy the Laws. Not only does Christianity think it, but they also teach it. Christianity also teaches that they obey the Commandments of the Savior, but not the Commandments of Yahweh. But notice, verse 17 is a direct command straight from the Savior.
Thinking that the Savior did away with Yahweh’s Laws makes them disobedient to the Savior and also makes themliars. The Apostles show they are liars. Read it for yourself in:
.I Yahchanan 2:4, BOY—
He who says: I know Him, but does not keep His Laws, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him.
.I John 2:4, KJV—
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
.I John 2:4, Amplified Bible—
Whoever says, I know Him
Notice, they are liars when they say they know the Father or the Savior, but don’t keep the Commandments. Take notice of the last part of that verse—the Truth is not in them. If the Truth is not in them, then there is no Salvation in them or their teachings.
So, why are so many going the way of death and destruction? The Savior said it in:
.Mattithyah 7:13-14—
13 Enter in through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who go that way.
14 Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads to life, and few there are who find it.
Then He warned again of the many false religions that mankind would follow.
.Mattithyah 7:15-23—
15 Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles?
17 Likewise, every Righteous tree brings forth Righteous fruit; but a tree of evil brings forth fruit of iniquity.
18 A Righteous tree cannot bring forth fruit of iniquity, nor can a tree of evil bring forth fruits of Righteousness.
19 Every tree which does not bring forth Righteous fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.
20 Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.
21 Not everyone who says to Me; Teacher! Teacher! will enter into the Kingdom of Yahweh, but only he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.
22 Many will say to Me in that day; Teacher! Teacher! Have we not prophesied in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name, and in Your Name performed many wonderful works?
23 But then I will declare to them; I never knew you. Get away from Me, you who practice iniquity.
Notice the word iniquity again. The following is a copy from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance showing the wordiniquity.
Remember the word iniquity and read the Savior’s Words again in:
.Mattithyah 24:12—
And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.
.Mattithyah 7:23—
But then I will declare to them; I never knew you. Get away from Me, you who practice iniquity.
The Savior will say the same to you if you do not repent and start practicing Yahweh’s Righteousness.
.I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
In this last generation, iniquity abounds, sin increases, because of false religions, major religions, all over the world teaching against Yahweh’s Laws.
A Marvelous Thing
This is a marvelous thing if you will just take notice. The deception, wickedness, iniquity, and Lawlessness taught by all the rebellious religions in this last generation are proving the Prophecies in your bible true. This proves that you can trust what the Prophets of Yahweh were inspired to write. The Prophets, Apostles and Savior all prophesied that the whole world would be in this sinful shape in this time period. This shows the Prophecies to be true. So we should be able to trust in Yahweh, believe the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, believe His Disciples and believe all that the Prophets have spoken, which are the very words of Yahshua Messiah.
.Luke 24:25—
Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!
And for Salvation? For Salvation, first repent as the Savior and the Disciples preached.
.Mattithyah 4:17—
From that time Yahshua began to preach, and to say: Repent, for the Kingdom of Yahweh is at hand!
.Mattithyah 5:17-18—
17 Do not even think that I have come to destroy the Laws or the Prophets; I have not come to destroy them,but to establish them.
18 For truly I say to you; Unless heaven and earth passes away, one yodh—the smallest of the letters—will in no way pass from the Law, until all things are perfected.
.Acts 3:19—
Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.
Notice, your sins will not be blotted out until you repent of sinning and convert to practicing Yahweh’s Laws of Truth. Then Yahweh says:
.Revelation 18:4—
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues.
Her sins and her sinners cover the face of the earth.
.I Yahchanan 2:4—
He who says: I know Him, but does not keep His Laws, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him.
.I Yahchanan 2:1-5—
1 My little children, I write these things to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father: Yahshua Messiah, the Righteous;
2 And He is the sacrifice of atonement for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
3 Now by this we do know that we know Him: If we keep His Laws.
4 He who says: I know Him, but does not keep His Laws, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him.
5 But whoever keeps His Laws, in him truly is the Love of Yahweh perfected: by this we know that we are in Him.
.Romans 6:16—
Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, his servants you are whom you obey—whether of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to Righteousness?
.I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!
.Revelation 20:11-15—
11 And I saw a Great White Throne, and Him Who sat on it, from Whose Face the powers of the earth and the powers of the heavens, the Gods (elohim), were driven away; for the verdict was reached that there is no place for them.
12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before Yahweh. And the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is The Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and sheol; the grave, delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged, every man, according to his works.
14 And death and sheol were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
15 And whoever was not found written in The Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.
.Revelation 22:12-16—
12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.
13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.
16 I, Yahshua, have sent My Malak to testify to you these things in the congre-gations of The House of Yahweh. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.
We can’t stop the world’s religions from continuing to sin, but they won’t repent and will soon destroy their armies and governments with their own doings. Four-fifths of the earth’s population will be wiped out before they bring themselves to a destructive end, with few men left.
.Isayah 24:1-6—
1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.
4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
Notice, please, the cause in verse 5—because they are transgressing Yahweh’s Laws of health and peace. Now notice verse 6—because of this, the curse has devoured the earth. Also notice the word burned in verse 6. This is the same nuclear burning that darkens the sun, as was shown by Yahshua Messiah in Mattithyah 24:29. Remember the cause and read:
.Mattithyah 24:7, 21-22, 29—
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; natural disasters, in place after place:
21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.
29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
If you repent now, you could be one of those few that Yahweh will protect, as is shown in:
.Mattithyah 7:13-14—
13 Enter in through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who go that way.
14 Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads to life, and few there are who find it.
Remember the cause for the coming nuclear wars that will kill four-fifths of the earth’s population.
Sin starts with not keeping the Sabbath Appointments with Yahweh. The Sabbaths are Eternal Appointments in which Yahweh meets with His creation_mankind_answers their prayers, blesses them and inspires them in Righteousness. That’s why Satan’s preachers hate Yahweh’s set Sabbaths. They condemn any and all who keep Yahweh’s Sabbaths. Notice:
.Colossians 2:16-17—
16 Therefore, let no man condemn you for doing these things: eating and drinking in the observance of a Feast Day, or of a New Moon, or of the Sabbath Day;
17 eWhich are a shadow ffrom things to come gfor the hbody of Messiah.
The following footnotes for Colossians 2:17 are from The Book of Yahweh, The Holy Scriptures.
e. Deuteronomy 16:1-17, Leviticus 23:1, 4, 44; My Feasts.
.Deuteronomy 16:1-17—
1 Watch for the Moon of Green Ears of Barley; Abib, and sacrifice the Passover to Yahweh your Father, for in the Moon of Green Ears of Barley Yahweh your Father brought you out of Egypt by night.
2 Therefore, you must sacrifice the Passover to Yahweh your Father from the flock and the herd, at the place Yahweh chooses to establish His Name.
3 You must eat no leavened bread with it, but for seven days eat unleavened bread; the bread of affliction (for you came out of the land of Egypt in haste), so you may remember the day you set out from the land of Egypt all the days of your life.
4 No leaven shall be seen among you in all your territory for seven days, nor shall any of the meat you sacrificed on the evening before the first day remain overnight until the morning.
5 You may not sacrifice the Passover within any of your cities Yahweh your Father gives you,
6 But only at the place Yahweh your Father chooses to establish His Name. There you must sacrifice the Passover at evening—at the going of the sun—at the season you came out of Egypt.
7 And you shall roast and eat it in the place Yahweh your Father chooses, and in the morning you shall turn and go to your tents.
8 Six days you must eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there shall be a Holy Convocation to Yahweh your Father. You must do no work.
9 You must count seven weeks for yourself. Begin to count the seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain.
10 Then you shall observe the Feast of Weeks to Yahweh with a proportion of a freewill offering from your hand, which you will give just as Yahweh blesses you.
11 You shall rejoice in front of Yahweh your Father__you and your wife (wives), your son, your daughter, your manservant, your maidservant, the Levite who lives within your city, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widows among you—at the place Yahweh your Father chooses to establish His Name.
12 And you must remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and you must be careful to observe and do these Statutes.
13 You must observe the Feast of Tabernacles seven days, after you have gathered from your threshing floor and from your winepress;
14 And you shall rejoice at your Feast—you and your wife (wives), your son, your daughter, your manservant, your maidservant, the Levite, the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widows in your cities—
15 Seven days you must keep a joyous Feast to Yahweh your Father at the place He will choose, for Yahweh your Father will bless you in all your income, and in all the work of your hands, so you will surely have joy.
16 Three times a year all your males shall appear in front of Yahweh your Father at the place He will choose—at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles—and they must not appear in front of Yahweh empty handed;
17 Every man shall give as he is capable of giving, in proportion to the blessing Yahweh your Father has given you.
.Leviticus 23:1, 4, 44—
1 And Yahweh spoke to Mosheh, saying:
4 These are the Feasts of Yahweh, His Holy Convocations, which you shall proclaim in their seasons:
44 So Mosheh declared to the children of Israyl the Feasts of Yahweh.
Continuing with the footnotes for Colossians 2:17.
f. A Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament by Julius Furst, page 185, shows the Hebrew word bua, traditionally translated of in Colossians 2:17, is correctly translated from.
g. The Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros by Koehler and Baumgartner, page 245, shows the Hebrew word waw, traditionally but in Colossians 2:17, is correctly translated for.
h. I Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 4:8-16
.I Corinthians 12:27—
Now you are the Body of Messiah, and the members in particular.
.Ephesians 4:8-16—
8 That is why He says: When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.
9 Now what can this phrase—He ascended—mean, except that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?
10 He Who descended is the One Who ascended far above all heavens, that He might fill; fulfill, all things.
11 And He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some preachers of the message of the Kingdom of Yahweh, and some pastors and teachers:
12 For the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the building of The House of Yahweh, which is the Body of Messiah.
13 Until we all come to the same unity of the faith, and of the same knowledge the Son of Yahweh has, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness; perfection, of Messiah.
14 No longer are we to be children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive.
15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we may grow up in all things unto Him Who is our Head—Messiah—
16 From Whom the whole body, being fitly joined and brought together by that which every joint supplies; according to the effective working in the measure of every part, causes growth of the body itself for the building of The House of Yahweh, in love.
Shadow? This is a shadow from destruction. Understand, that if you are unable to attend Yahweh’s Feasts, due to circumstances beyond your control and you diligently seek Yahweh through the One Sent, you will have Yahweh’s Protection. Compare:
.Deuteronomy 30:15—
See, I have set before you this day life by Righteousness, and death by destruction—
The Sabbaths and Feasts are a shadow. They are Yahweh’s Shadow because they are Yahweh’s Feasts, as you just read in Deuteronomy 16:1-17 and Leviticus 23:1, 4, and 44. They are His Appoint-ments with those who repent and turn to Yahweh’s Righteousness. Yahweh’s Feasts are Yahweh’s Shadow of protection from the coming destruction.
.Leviticus 23:1-2—
1 And Yahweh spoke to Mosheh, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israyl, and say to them; Concerning the Feasts of Yahweh, which you shall proclaim to be Holy Convocations; these are My Feasts.
Now notice the protection Yahweh’s Feasts offers the one who keeps them as commanded by Yahweh, the Creator of mankind.
1 He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 We say to Yahweh: You are our refuge and our fortress! You are our Father in You we will trust!
3 Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome; deadly, pestilence.
4 He will cover you with His Feathers, and under His Wings will you trust. His Truth will be your shield and buckler.
5 You will not be afraid of the terror of night, nor of the arrow that flies by day.
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that wastes at noonday.
7 A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes you will look and you will see the reward of the wicked;
9 Because you have made Yahweh your refuge. Because you have made the Most High your House; The House of Yahweh;
10 No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your dwelling.
11 For He will give His Malakim charge concerning you, to keep; protect, you in all your ways.
12 They will bear You up in their hands, so You will not strike Your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread upon the lion and adder. The young lion and the dragon you will trample under feet.
14 Yahweh says: Because you have set your love upon Me, I will deliver you; cause you to escape. I will set you on high, because you know My Name.
15 You will call Me, and I will answer you. I will be with you in trouble; I will deliver you, and honor you.
16 With long life I will satisfy you, and I will show you My Salvation; Yahshua Messiah!
Remember the cause of the destruction. The religions that are causing all of the wars do not dwell in the Secret Place of Yahweh, nor do they have His Shadow (Protection). They rebel against Yahweh’s set Appointments. Now look back to:
.Colossians 2:16-19—
16 Therefore, let no man condemn you for doing these things: eating and drinking in the observance of a Feast Day, or of a New Moon, or of the Sabbath Day;
17 eWhich are a shadow ffrom things to come gfor the hbody of Messiah.
18 iLet no man deprive you of your reward, actually doing it on purpose, but as though in humility of mind, through a religious worship of jgods (elohim)—intruding into things they do not know nor understand, being puffed up by their own carnal minds; carnal understanding;
19 kAnd not holding firmly to the Head; from Whom all the body, nourished and united as joints and ligaments, grows with the increase from Yahweh.
The following footnotes are from The Book of Yahweh, The Holy Scriptures.
e. Deuteronomy 16:1-17, Leviticus 23:1, 4, 44; My Feasts.
f. A Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament by Julius Furst, page 185, shows the Hebrew word bua, traditionally translated of, is correctly translated from.
g. The Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros by Koehler and Baumgartner, page 245, shows the Hebrew word waw, traditionally but, is correctly translated for.
h. I Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 4:8-16
i. Revelation 11:18, Revelation 20:4, Revelation 22:12
j. The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 1, page 817, shows this word, traditionally translated angels, to be demons. I Timayah 4:1
k. Head of the Body; Ephesians 4:8-16. One Body; Ephesians 4:4. Savior of the Body; Ephesians 5:23. Members of the Body; Ephesians 5:3
False prophets did away with Yahweh’s Laws. Their lives are filled with lies. They are also filled with fornication, adultery, bestiality and sodomy.
Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military
By Pete Winn
December 1, 2011 _ (Updated) The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals the military ban on sex with animals—or bestiality.
On Nov. 15, the Senate Armed Services Committee had unanimously approved S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Article 125 of the UCMJ makes it illegal to engage in both sodomy with humans and sex with animals.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said the effort to remove sodomy from military law stems from liberal Senate Democrats’ and President Obama’s support for removing the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.
Perkins told “Not only did they overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, but they had another problem, and that is, under military law sodomy is illegal, just as adultery is illegal, so they had to remove that prohibition against sodomy.”
Perkins said removing the bestiality provision may have been intentional—or just “collateral damage”
…”Soldiers, unfortunately, like it or not, have engaged in this type of behavior in the past…”
Their children are dying from all kinds of diseases passed on to them from the sins of their parents. These diseases are all a result of doing away with Yahweh’s Laws. The children and adults who are practicing these sins have never been taught the Holy Scriptures that show that sodomy, bestiality, fornication, and adultery are forbidden. Not being taught Yahweh’s Laws is a direct cause of these sins taking place. Therefore, you can know that the following Prophecy will also come to pass.
.Isayah 24:1-6—
1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.
4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
The word burned in verse 6 is speaking of nuclear burning that will actually shake the earth.
.Isayah 24:18-20—
18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.
19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.
20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.
.Mattithyah 24:29—
Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of theheavens will be shaken.
.Malakyah 4:1-6—
1 For, behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—the day that comes will burn them up, says Yahweh; and it will leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But for you who Reverence My Name, the Light of Righteousness will arise with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like calves released from the stall.
3 And the wicked will be trodden down; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that this will be done, says Yahweh.
4 Remember the Laws of Mosheh My Servant, which I commanded through him in Horeb for all Israyl, with the Statutes and Judgments.
5 Behold, I will send Yliyah: the Laws and the Prophets, which is the Strength of Yahweh, before the coming of the Great and Wonderful Day of Yahweh;
6 And it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; before it comes to pass that the earth is struck with a curse.
Because of the way in which verse 5 was written, many people down through the centuries have erroneously believed that Malakyah was speaking about Yahweh’s Servant and Prophet, whose name was Yliyah (I Kings, Chapters 17-21). The word Yliyah means the Strength of Yahweh. Yahweh’s Laws and the Prophets are the Righteous Strength of Yahweh.
.Romans 1:16—
For I am not ashamed of the Message, for it is the Strength of Yahweh unto Life Everlasting for everyone who believes: to the Yahdai first, and also to the Greek.
.Proverbs 10:29—
The Way of Yahweh is strength to the upright, but destruction will come upon the workers of iniquity.
Yahweh’s Laws show His Righteous-ness and Ruling Authority; and all of His Prophets proclaimed His Laws.
Yahshua Messiah proclaimed the Laws and the Prophets to be the Yliyah (the Strength of Yahweh) which was to come, as He said in:
13 For all the Prophets and the Laws prophesied until Yahchanan.
14 And if you are willing to accept it, this is the Strength of Yahweh; Yliyah, which was to come.
The Prophet Malakyah was inspired to write that just before the Great Day of Yahweh would come, Yahweh would establish a Work to bring one last warning to this world. This Work of Yahweh is to proclaim Yahweh’s Laws and Yahweh’s Prophets, thereby turning the remnant of sons and fathers to Yahweh before The End comes.
.Mattithyah 24:14—
And this Message of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world by the One who bears witness to all nations; and then The End will come.
.Yahchanan Mark 13:10—
But the Message must first be published throughout all nations.
Notice the protection given to those who repent and convert to Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness in these Last Days.
.Malakyah 4:2—
But for you who Reverence My Name, the Light of Righteousness will arise with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like calves released from the stall.
.Deuteronomy 6:1, 7, 25—
1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;
7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.
25 And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.
20 The soul that sins, it will die. The son will not bear the iniquity of the father, nor will the father bear the iniquity of the son. The Righteousness of the Righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.
21 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he has committed, and keep all My Statutes, and do that which is Lawful and right, then he will surely live; he will not die.
22 And his transgressions that he has committed will not be mentioned against him; in his Righteousness that he has done, he will live.
.I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!
I say again:
.Colossians 2:16-18—
16 Therefore, let no man condemn you for doing these things: eating and drinking in the observance of a Feast Day, or of a New Moon, or of the Sabbath Day;
17 Which are a shadow from things to come for the Body of Messiah.
18 Let no man deprive you of your reward, actually doing it on purpose, but as though in humility of mind, through a religious worship of gods (elohim)—intruding into things they do not know nor understand, being puffed up by their own carnal minds; carnal understanding.
.II Kepha 2:20-22—
20 Now if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of Yahweh and the Savior Yahshua Messiah, they are again entangled in them, and overcome by them, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the Holy Laws delivered to them.
22 There has befallen them the thing spoken of in the true proverb: A dog returns to his own vomit, and: A sow is washed, only to wallow again in the mire.
.Revelation 18:4—
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues.
.Acts 3:19-20—
19 Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.
20 And that He may send Yahshua, the Messiah Who was preached to you.
.I Kepha 3:11-12—
11 Let him turn away from evil and do Righteousness; let him seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the Eyes of Yahweh are on the Righteous, and His Ears are open to their prayers; but the Face of Yahweh is against those who do evil.
Now read and remember the next Scriptures.
.I Yahchanan 3:21-24—
21 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before Yahweh.
22 And whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because we keep His Laws and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
23 And this is His commandment: That we should believe on the Name of His Son, Yahshua Messiah, and love one another, as He also gave us commandment.
24 And he who keeps His Laws dwells in Him, and He in him; and by this we know that He abides in us: By the Spirit which He has given us.
.I Yahchanan 4:1—
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, to see whether they are of Yahweh; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
.I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
.I Yahchanan 5:2-3—
2 By this we know that we love the children of Yahweh: When we love Yahweh by keeping His Laws.
3 For this is the love of Yahweh: That we keep His Laws, and His Laws are not grievous.
.Revelation 22:12-16—
12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.
13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of Gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.
16 I, Yahshua, have sent My Messenger to testify to you these things in the congregations of The House of Yahweh. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.
There are many Prophecies in your bible written by Yahweh’s Holy Prophets. Holy means they kept Yahweh’s Laws, Statutes, and Judgments. These were Holy men such as Abraham, Isaac and Yaaqob. They were Holy men inspired by Yahweh to write the Prophecies, which show Yahweh’s Plan for mankind.
It is within Yahweh’s Plan to bring forth men, women, and children who desire to live Righteous lives like Yahweh shows in His Laws. Yahweh chooses men and women that He is making in His Image and Likeness to do a Work in each set time period.At the same time, He’s teaching all others the vital lesson of what sin brings by allowing each person to choose his or her own way, but not without warning mankind ahead of time as to what they are bringing upon themselves by breaking Yahweh’s Laws of health, joy, and peace.
The seventh and last warning is going out to all the world at this time, which was prophesied by the Prophets and Savior as is shown in:
.Mattithyah 24:14—
And this Message of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world by the One who bears witness to all nations; and then The End will come.
The Prophecies concerning Yahweh’s Seventh and Last Work start as early as the Book of Genesis and continue all the way through the Holy Scriptures to the end of the Book of Revelation. In the Book of Revelation, we see Yahshua Messiah reigning as High Priest over Yahweh’s Last Days’ House, as it carries Yahweh’s warning to all nations.
Yahshua was prophesied of by Yaaqob in Genesis 49, along with Yahweh’s Last Days’ Work. He is shown to be reigning over the Last Days’ workers of The House of Yahweh, one of whom is one of the Two Witnesses. This information can be found in detail in our written publications, recorded sermons on MP3, and even online at
Now notice the Prophecy in:
.Micahyah 3:12—
Therefore, because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Yerusalem will become heaps of rubble, and the mountain of The House of Yahweh like the high places of a forest.
The action prophesied in Micahyah 3:12 was to fulfill what is written in:
.Daniyl 7:8—
I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots; and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
Plucked up by the roots means that three of the ten religions shown here as horns or powers were transplanted. These three religions were the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. The following definition comes from The American Heritage Dictionary.
These religions were uprooted and transplanted in the seven hills of Rome after they had their army, led by Titus, destroy the temple, over which they ruled, in Yerusalem, Israyl and move all the artifacts to Rome.
.Daniyl 11:31—
And the army will stand on his part, and they will pollute the sanctuary of strength, and will take away the dailysacrifice, and they will place the Lord of heaven.
The crusades were very cruel, as prophesied, and they have never stopped. The last of the crusades is in progress now and will continue to the very end.
.Daniyl 11:32-35—
32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant will he corrupt; make apostatize, by flatteries. But the people who do know their Father will be strong, and do; firmly resist.
33 And they who understand among the people will instruct many; though for many days some will be tested, and will fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and plundering.
34 Now when they fall; are tested, they will receive a little help; but many will cleave to them with flatteries.
35 Yes, some of those with understanding will fall, to test them, to purge; cleanse and purify, and to makethem white—up to the time of The End; for it is yet for a time appointed.
Notice in verse 35—up to the time of The End. Write, call, or email us for information about our book, Birth of the Nuclear Baby. All of the above information is in that book, plus much, much more.
.Daniyl 11:35—
… up to the time of The End; for it is yet for a time appointed.
Here we see these crusades take place up to The End. The end of the crusades is shown in Isayah. They end with the destruction of four-fifths of the earth’s population.
.Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20—
1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;
2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:
3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.
4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.
6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.
19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.
20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.
We are now in the last generation of these crusades of the Catholic church and the armies that stand on her part.
Again, notice the Savior’s Words in Mattithyah 24 where He shows us what to look for and what we can actually see.
.Mattithyah 24:3, 7, 12, 14, 21-22, 29—
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and the End of the Ages?
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, andpestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; natural disasters, in place after place:
12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.
14 And this Message of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world by the One who bears witness to all nations; and then The End will come.
21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.
29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
This tribulation is brought by the three religions—Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes—that were uprooted from Yerusalem and moved to the seven hills of Rome, where they now rule over certain kings of the earth. They desire to rule over all of the kings of the earth.
These wars are wars of religions that Satan has turned in hatred one towards the other.
All of these Prophecies we can now see, except for the nuclear wars that will darken the sun and would actually wipe out all life on earth, if Yahweh did not intervene.
Yahweh’s Plan for you, heaven, and earth is to let you and the heavenly beings witness what your rebellion against His Laws brings. Now read:
.Deuteronomy 30:15-19—
15 See, I have set before you this day life by Righteousness, and death by destruction—
16 In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all His Ways, by keeping His Laws, His Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your Father may bless you in the land which you go in to possess.
17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—
18 I declare to you this day that you will surely perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.
19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Therefore choose life, so both you and your children may live.
Yahweh says: Because you have set your love upon Me, I will deliver you; cause you to escape. I will set you on high, because you know My Name. ~Psalm 91:14
Now go back to Yahshua’s Prophecies in Mattithyah 24 and notice the protection offered. The Last Days’ Work of Yahweh shows that Yahweh calls and commissions some workers to take this Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh to all the world, then The End will come.
.Mattithyah 24:14—
And this Message of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world by the One who bears witness to all nations; and then The End will come.
This Work and the people involved are named The House of Yahweh. The House of Yahweh is made up of workers, who do Yahweh’s Work like willing donkeys who love their owner, like donkeys demonstrate each time they get the chance to be near their owner. That too is shown in Prophecy. Write, call, or email us for information about this Prophecy.
The Last Witness is shown in Mattithyah 24 as preaching and publishing the Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh to all nations before The End. The Prophecies show that both Yahshua, as High Priest, and the donkeys, as willing workers, all work together to bring to pass the Prophecies concerning the Two Witnesses.
Write, call or email us now and become a part of this Great Work while it is in progress. Become one of the Elect.
The Elect? Notice, Yahshua’s Words in:
.Mattithyah 24:22—
And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elects’ sake, those days will be shortened.
Write, call or email us to get information on the Protected Place.
The Elect will not be deceived.
.Mattithyah 24:24—
For there will arise false messiahs and false prophets who will show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very Elect.
The Elect, in these Last Days, Yahshua is tethering to the Chosen Branch. The Chosen Branch is one of the two brothers referred to as the two olive branches and two lamps on the Seven Lamp Lampstand that sits beside Yahweh’s Throne.
.Revelation 11:1-4—
1 And there was given me a reed like a measuring rod. And the Malak stood, saying: Rise, and measure the temple of Yahweh, and the altar, and its confines; where they worship within.
2 But the court which is outside the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given to the Gentiles. And the holy city they will tread under foot three and one-half years.
3 And I will give to My Two Witnesses to perform their Prophetic offices, and they will foretell events about the one thousand two hundred and sixty days, those cast about with darkness.
4 These are, as it were, the two Olive Trees, and, as it were, the Two Lamps of the Seven Lamp Lampstand, ministering for the Father in the earth.
Write, call or email us for more information.
There is a Prophesied Protected Place. There is protection for you and your family, for everyone who will repent, be converted, and start practicing Righteousness.
.Acts 3:19—
Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.
.I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
.Revelation 22:12-16—
12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.
13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of Gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.
16 I, Yahshua, have sent My Malak to testify to you these things in the congregations of The House of Yahweh. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.
The religions will not repent. They are all making plans for first strike to kill men, women and children. They do not know the way to peace.
By nuclear war a third part of man will be killed in that fourth part of the earth, in and around the great River Euphrates, where the problems are now seen. Even after that takes place, they still will not repent. Notice what the High Priest Yahshua Messiah shows in:
.Revelation 9:17-21—
17 And in my vision, I saw the horses and those who sat upon them like this: They had breastplates of fire;red, and of jacinth; blue, and brimstone; yellow, and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone.
18 By these three were the third part of men killed: by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.
19 For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails were similar to serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.
20 And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues, still did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and gods (elohim, teraphim) of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk;
21 Neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
Verse 17 gives us the three colors (red, blue, yellow) that make up the mushroom cloud that can be seen with a nuclear explosion. Aside from the explosion itself, many, many more will die from the radiation, fallout, starvation, and disease epidemics.
The only way you can prepare for these nuclear wars is by repenting of sin and converting so your sins will be blotted out. This will get you back in contact with Yahweh, because sin cuts one off from Yahweh.
.Isayah 59:1-2—
1 Behold, Yahweh’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.
2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His face from you, so He will not listen.
.Acts 3:19—
Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.
.Deuteronomy 6:1, 25—
1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;
25 And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.
.I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10—
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!
This joins you with the Elect and affords you the protection shown in:
1 He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 We say to Yahweh: You are our Refuge and our Fortress! You areour Father in You we will trust!
3 Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome; deadly, pestilence.
4 He will cover you with His Feathers, and under His Wings will you trust. His Truth will be your shield and buckler.
5 You will not be afraid of the terror of night, nor of the arrow that flies by day.
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that wastes at noonday.
7 A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes you will look and you will see the reward of the wicked;
9 Because you have made Yahweh your refuge. Because you have made the Most High your House; The House of Yahweh;
10 No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your dwelling.
11 For He will give His Malakim charge concerning you, to keep; protect, you in all your ways.
12 They will bear You up in their hands, so You will not strike Your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread upon the lion and adder. The young lion and the dragon you will trample under feet.
14 Yahweh says: Because you have set your love upon Me, I will deliver you; cause you to escape. I will set you on high, because you know My Name.
15 You will call Me, and I will answer you. I will be with you in trouble; I will deliver you, and honor you.
16 With long life I will satisfy you, and I will show you My Salvation; Yahshua Messiah!
We can help. Call, write or email us today.
May Yahweh bless your understanding.
Love, True Love,
In Yahshua Messiah,
Yisrayl Hawkins
Pastor and Overseer
The House of Yahweh, Abelin