A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
The End is not about the earth coming to a dreadful annihilation, but rather it will be the end of a sinful world with its evil ways. The earth itself will remain.
Son of Yisrayl Abel, Buffalo Bill spoke on the blessings of teaching our children the Laws of Yahweh. With Hebrews 7:26 showing Yahshua as our example, I Samuyl 1:22 setting a Righteous pattern, and quotes from Yisrayl Hawkins, the young Future Priest taught on the benefits of teaching Yahweh’s Laws to children. Following up with Psalm 19:7 and examples of children such as Yoshiyah (II Chronicles 34) and Yahash (II Chronicles 24), Buffalo Bill exhorted us to study Yahweh’s Laws and make them a part of our lives.
Deacon Melchizedek’s title “Let’s be thankful to Yahweh for what we have,” is according to Law #19, Be Thankful to Yahweh in Prayer, Praise, and Deed. With a definition for the word thankful, the Deacon admonished us to focus on the many things we should be thankful for as opposed to worrying about the things we do not have. He instructed us to make a list, as is taught in the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program, and he gave us food for thought by discussing key items such as clean food, safe water, and a peaceful habitation. Lest we forget, Deacon Melchizedek reminded us to be thankful for our tests and trials, for they are a blessing to our growth in Yahweh.
The Great Kohan Kepha gave an uplifting sermon entitled “Yahweh is our Confidence.” He adds that we have no reason to doubt. We are part of Yahweh’s House along with Yahweh’s promise of protection. He also cautions us not to take this for granted, realizing we must be part of the Work. Reading Proverbs 3:26, 21-23, the Kohan reminds us that Yahweh has given us plenty of reminders that we should keep within our sight. Titus 2:7-8 also provides Righteous guidance; we need to focus on ourselves and refrain from pointing the finger at our brethren.
Referring to one of those reminders, Kohan Kepha reads Yisrayl’s introduction to the 2016 House of Yahweh calendar. The theme for the calendar was at the heart of the Kohan’s message as he expounded on key words (wisdom, concourses, proclaiming) from Proverbs 1:20-22. This is a marvelous teaching – Yahweh’s House is being promoted in New York City’s Times Square as the Scriptures in Proverbs 1:20-22 attest. Located on the corner of 7th and Broadway, the significance is not lost upon those gathered, Mattithyah 7:13 provides a clear picture of the times we are living in.
• Our actions and words should reflect our commitment to Yahweh and the Work of His House.
• Therefore, we must not lose sight of what we are thankful for, we do not want to go back to that broad way that leads to destruction.
The Great Kohan Yliyah presented the news. A few events from the news video include: North Korean citizens told to prepare for famine due to sanctions, Pakistan Park bombing in area populated with women and children, frustration over new transgender bathroom bill, and an eye-opening Dr. Oz program proving HPV linked to head and neck cancer that may be transmitted through kissing or sharing beverage.
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl encourages us to read his article called, “A Gathering That Tops That of Moses.” He would welcome all people to read and benefit from its content.
Yisrayl points out contradictory verses in the King James Version found in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22. The Book of Yahweh makes it much clearer as Yisrayl furthers our understanding on this day.
• Eve rejected Yahweh’s Laws, so did the unbelieving Israylites (Jews). By rejecting Yahweh and His Laws, they lost the hope of Salvation.
• Yisrayl elaborated on the keeping of the Sabbath and the Work of the Sabbath. Talmudic traditions and restrictions have polluted the keeping of the Sabbath.
• Yisrayl explained that “picking up sticks” on the Sabbath is not about avoiding the Work of the Sabbath but rather it is the unlawful practice of keeping businesses open on the Sabbath for gainful purposes.
• Not kindling a fire is not about avoiding work such as pushing elevator buttons and other traditional restrictions but rather not starting an argument or generating strife.
Yisrayl tells us we will find our joy in Yahweh when we encourage and support our brothers and sisters in Yahweh’s House. Reading key verses in Isayah 58 and 59, he explains that Yahweh’s Way is perfect health – no pain, no fighting, and no war.
• He encourages us with words on the resurrection and the fact that those who have died in their sins, those who have died without knowing Yahweh or having been taught His Laws, will have the opportunity at that time.
• We gladly rejoice in the knowledge that we have been called to be these teachers and to restore peace throughout the earth and universe.
We conclude with Yisrayl’s words to keep our minds on the goal and the confidence to know that the demons cannot come against Yahweh’s House.