A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Day
The Great Deacons…
- Be physically, morally, and spiritually prepared for the Feast of Passover; purge the ‘old leaven’ – to purge is to cleanse thoroughly and purge out the unwanted qualities (sin) as well as the hatred, and bitterness
- Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger; the number 3 – essential, solid, real, entire, substantial; the number 4 – Yahweh’s creation number (in beginning Yahweh created) also means matter itself, material completeness; YHWH
Scriptures: Genesis 1:26, Mattithyah 5:21, 26:19, I Corinthians 5:7, Hebrews 9:14, Isayah 45:5-8
Numbers: 2090, 2092, 2680, 85
The Great Kohans…
- Character: the combination of morals, beliefs that dictate how we treat others, the environment and ourselves; character is a choice – it is something we can choose
- We come to The House of Yahweh to learn/know the Mind of Yahweh; take Yahshua’s Character to ourselves; the Spirit (the Laws) give life
- Yahweh is faithful – receiving Spirit Holy guarantees Yahweh’s promise to us; we must put on Righteousness (Choose to be part of Yahweh’s process in creating new man – created in Yahweh’s image and likeness.)
- Have a positive mindset of appreciation; parents teach children – do not provoke; learn how to show patience, kindness, self-control (be example of positive influence that will carry to next generation)
- A mocking attitude, speaking arrogantly, and to boast must be overcome; we cannot just pretend to be Righteous; Peaceful Solution Workplace Manual is a great reference to apply to all life experiences; model the right behavior before others
- Coming into unity is about servitude; Yahweh tests/proves us to know whether we will not be offended or leave Yahweh and/or turn back to sin
- We are striving to keep Yahweh’s Laws (takes time, effort, making the right choices) – in this way, Yahweh trains us; submitting to Yahweh brings us to humility
- The Laws of Yahweh must become the priority in our lives – in doing so we will come into unity with one another; to love one another is to serve one another
- Materialism leaves out connection between mind and body – mind directs body what to do (example to get up in morning; same thing occurs in human cell; reductionism leaves out all processes of body – it’s all mechanical
- Consider thoughts – do all come from brain? Do they come from heart?
- Science discovered DNA and wonder of genes; they also know the human body has an operating system (DNA functions like software); who coded human DNA? YAHWEH
- The Laws of Yahweh align our DNA back to the original (the way it was designed); these Laws reverse the process that Adam and Eve started with sin; the whole creation is waiting for us to change everything back to the way Yahweh made everything
- Guard ourselves from thoughts that ought not be within us – we do not want to counter our efforts to come to perfection; everything we do and say can alter our DNA – make it right or make it wrong, it’s up to the individual
Scriptures: II Kepha 3:10, I Corinthians 2:16,18-19, Yahchanan 6:57, 63, 13:29, 31-35, Acts 19:6, Ephesians 1:11, 4:17-32, Colossians 3:5-10, 12-17, 21, Proverbs 1:29-33, 5:7, 9, 11, 14:9, 16-18, Revelation 3:11, Exodus 20:20, Deuteronomy 6:4, 30:15-16, Isayah 28:10, Psalm 49:1-20, 110:3-4, 139:14, II Kepha 3:10-16, Zecharyah 3:8-9,