A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Gematria
- Details on rebuilding Temple in Last Days’ Prophecy
- Sons/daughters of Yahweh are those in complete unity with Yahweh and His House
- With Yahweh all things are possible
- Yahweh provides us (former orphans) the Greatest Teacher in the world – Yisrayl Hawkins
Numbers today: 1989, 1995, 516, 383, 2298, 3345, 258, 1074, 2476, 1248, 1121, 1248, 208, 209, 207, 202, 3932, 1632, 906, 151, 1537, 2689, 1548, 828, 138, 2514, 461, 2216, 2232, 372, 373, 3218, 138, 393, 358, 1939, 2148, 1004, 1129
Scriptures today: Amosyah 3:3; Mattithyah 16:18; Daniyl 12:1-4; Malakyah 4:5; Yahchanan 6:38, 63; Isayah 61:3; Psalm 89:15; Revelation 22:16; Yeremyah 17:9-10, 31:33; Yaaqob 4:8; Acts 3:19
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code Topic: The City of Yisrayl Reveals: city on a hill, mountain of House of Yahweh, City of Yisrayl, wondrous, Yahsome, peace, kingdom x2, City of Yahshua, seven, City of Refuge, sanctuary city from blood avenger, Abelin, Bill, JG, Abel Way, capitol, protection, priests, Dabar Yahweh, perfect, prophets, faithful, 2020-2021, nobleness
- Gematria Topic: City of Yisrayl Part 2 Numbers: 3478, 8280, 1122, 1129, 105, 322, 1837, 1121, 1278, 1254, 208, 7, 4993, 2995, 410, 193, 4261, 187, 2564, 1344, 1342, 1349, 1166, 2653, 601, 1074, 952, 1224, 1223, 1219, 1210, 1224, 2022, 3331, 5102, 3072, 5108, 906, 909, 1000, 6000, 5999, 5252, 5998
Scriptures: Isayah 2:2, Mattithyah 5:14, Revelation 10:5-7, Genesis 49:11, Zecharyah 6:12, Isayah 45:14, Yeremyah 51:44
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- “Room Clear” drill for disruptive students outburst
- Pakistan/India nuclear threat; China nuclear boasts
- US imposing more sanctions on China over Russia issues with oil
- Russia being sanctioned over Iran falls on deaf ears
- US Secretary of State at Vatican – pointing finger at countries not in subject to US/Vatican
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with news on US/Vatican – US asking Vatican to lead them.
- House of Yahweh speaks everlasting words – not war and destruction; we are in the last 3½ years and the end of the 6,000-year Plan of Yahweh (This Plan will prove what sin will bring and what Yahweh’s Way will bring); we teach peace and will teach peace to the Universe; Unity is eternal; Prophecy said 6,000 years and history has proven it; the Seventh Work will bring forth a sanctuary city
- Planet Jupiter could hold 1,300 Earths within it – it was Satan’s headquarters with a third part of the malakim; Earth’s governments and religions follow Satan (Yahchanan 8:44); Yahshua stated that in Last Generation the world, following Satan, would darken the sun
- Yahweh’s Prophets have only brought Prophecies that are/will be fulfilled – we ought not to disbelieve their Prophecies on destruction
- Using Roman calendar is mentioning the Gods’ names (weekdays and months)
- Gematrix (god matrix) should be Yahmatrix (Yahweh matrix); Hebrew language given by Yahweh; Yahshua quoted from first volume written in Hebrew; there is no such thing as two separate testaments – only two volumes of same Book of Yahweh; Bullinger was among those who accidently discovered the numbering system now used in Last Days’ Yahmatrix
- City of Yisrayl in Yahmatrix – Laws of Yahweh on four corners, wondrous, Yahsome, peace, Bill, JG
- Pastor rehearsed: 1) his birthplace and his name given by a one-year old brother 2) Scriptures/details involving the establishment of Last Days’ House of Yahweh
- In this current 3½ years we would see religion against religion; news showing Revelation Prophecy of “let us be like the first beast” (Pompeo/Vatican meeting)
- Pastor rehearsed several articles including: William Perry describing nuclear nightmare by terrorists who could create weapon and bring it wherever they want, including DC; nuclear terrorism – closer than you think (CNN report); Kashmir/climate change could use as rationale for nuclear; nuclear winter with effects globally and locally (Prophecy shows death upon a third of the people around River Euphrates – they won’t repent and four fifths of the world’s population will die)
Satan teaches to be evil like the Gods; Yahweh’s People seek first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His Righteousness