A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Gematria
- Blessed are those who believe without seeing
- The tree of Yahdah = Babel
- Confession is a form of cleansing as well as our way to connect with Yahweh once again
- There is no sacrifice for deliberate sin
- Pillar and Ground of the Truth – The House of Yahweh established 2/4/1983
- Who is as Abraham? Yisrayl who is as obedient as Abraham
- Yisrayl teaches wisdom to make us wiser
Numbers today: 8304, 8280, 350, 3068, 3174, 263, 262, 2324, 2421, 2331, 894, 1101, 2472, 1193, 1167, 666, 1074, 322, 2483, 828, 387, 386, 3032, 85, 216, 215, 144, 1962, 711, 1220, 2449, 337, 1589, 2022
Scriptures today: I Yahchanan 3:7; Hebrews 10:24-25; Revelation 13:17-18, 19:1, 17; Daniyl 12:3, 10; Proverbs 14:16; Psalms 119:26, 105, 142; I Kepha 2:5; Mattithyah 23:39, 24:45; Genesis 26:4-5; Yahchanan 8:39; Ephesians 5:26-27; Micahyah 4:1
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code – Topic: The Way of Yahdah Reveals: 666, abhorrence, abominate, accuse, annihilation, divine, Hitler, nation Israel, fire great noise, knowledge, vengeance and retaliation, one hour burning, Pharisee, tyrant, Samuyl’s sons, Rome, trade war, holding scepter, adultery, crooked, god-like, lust
- Gematria – Topic: Time/Season of Calamity #6 Making Ready for the Passover Numbers: 6186, 322, 1204, 7224, 8549, 8552, 1074, 4422, 2020, 737, 732, 4829, 1212, 2014, 1261, 1258, 1260, 1431, 828, 2016, 393, 2358, 3190, 5941, 5927, 1350, 446, 2676, 2675, 3870, 5938, 4004, 1316, 7896, 613, 3678, 3680, 4650, 289, 2511, 275, 1650, 3681, 2681, 692, 1945
Scriptures: Genesis 2:9, 49:1, 8-10; Revelation 13:1, 17:1; Mattithyah 11:12; Isayah 11:3, 44:7; Acts 28:28; Exodus 12:12; Psalm 2:9; Zecharyah 6:13
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- Hookworm found in Alabama contaminated water
- Carbon pricing/taxing and Vatican connection
- US interest in Venezuelan oil capabilities
- Iran/France negotiations underway and based on US authority
- Iran’s threat to Israel
- US/Poland/Ukraine natural gas agreement
- Russia/India agree to ditch US dollar
- South China Sea – destroyer ship present
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with reminder on upcoming Feast – it is only 5 weeks away. Expect commercials in days/weeks ahead.
- Two Kingdoms – Yahdah (tree of righteousness and evil) and House of Yahweh (Tree of Life)
- Yahweh created mankind to enjoy life – properly nourish human body and live forever
- We will never outgrow our need for Yahweh; Yahweh is getting us ready to teach throughout the universe
- Yahweh’s Name is firmly set in the heavens
- Genesis 10:9-10 shows the beginning of Yahdah (Babel); the tree of Yahdah in Gematria shows 781, 894, 1101, showing confusion; #1010, 1011 show an advisor to the people (knowledge here comes from Yahdah, member of Jewish Sanhedrin), counselor of honorable estate is how they present themselves throughout the world
- Pope Francis, in article, praises new interreligious initiative for world peace – Pastor explains scripturally it means ‘let us be like the first beast’
- The bomb, to darken the sun, was prophesied as far back as Deuteronomy 28, Isayah 24, Mattithyah 24, Revelation 18; these verses prove nuclear war is at hand – blessed are those who believe without seeing; Revelation 6:6-8 prophesies that oil would be instrumental in Last Days’ prophesied destruction
- First printing of PW (Prophetic Word Magazine) came out when computers were extremely expensive, today the cost is affordable
- Revelation 9:20-21 shows that even when they see the destruction, they still won’t repent
- Oil discovered in Pennsylvania in 1859, in 1901 it was found in Texas; yet 2,000 years before, Scripture said that oil would be used in world destruction
- In this last generation – electricity, automobiles, planes invented and from there the need for oil grew; in 1919 oil used in military airplanes in WWI
- Wars utilizing oil began in early 1900s – escalating to the end times when nuclear bombs will darken sun
- Adam and Eve were spirit beings, no blood, until they sinned, then they had blood.
- Yisrayl Hawkins and The House of Yahweh offer life; only thing that would stop wars is repentance but Scripture shows they will not repent of their sins until all hope of life is gone – Yahweh will intervene and those who are left, out of the Quartet, will finally, finally turn to Yahweh’s Truth