A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Women’s Portion
- The holy women of new represent Last Days’ Donkeys; Pastor cannot be divided from Yahweh’s Laws; holy women of new have the honor of training their children in Yahweh’s Laws
- 4199 religions labor in vain because they are not chosen by Yahweh; If Yahweh is for us, who can be against us; Yahweh is in full control
- We’ve been called to The House of Yahweh; Yahweh’s Name is exalted in The House of Yahweh
- Strive to be inwardly, structurally, stable within our hearts before Yahweh (qualify for this)
- Yahweh sees our works to meet goals, standards, perfection, and establishment of Yahweh’s House
Numbers today: 3109, 2421, 3068, 2298, 2297, 3426, 1961, 258, 17, 7161, 322, 828, 1074, 512, 2088, 629, 2022, 1987, 1973, 3507, 5046, 352, 193,
Scriptures today: Isayah 44:26; Micahyah 4:1-2, 7:14; Genesis 2:18,
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code Topic – “A Time No Longer” reveals: time no longer, hear, destruction, destroyer, Abel Way, deliverance, salvation, prepare, House of Yahweh, lifted up, raised, promoted, 2019, 2020, 2 billion people, called, coming, arriving soon, begin, final time or season, Yahshua’s return, Euphrates, shortened,
- Numbers in Gematria – “war ship in clouds” spotted by Overseer reveal: 3050, 2142, 1074, 357, 5549, 828, 4968, 7973, 7971, 4493, 5110, 454, 613, 1962, 852, 623, 1015, 357, 323, 322, 1016, 986, 3618, 4868, 1934, 1893, 603
Scriptures: Daniyl 7: 12, 9:27; Revelation 10:6; Isayah 62:10; Exodus 31:13,
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
- Mattithyah 24:16 reveals: mountain, teachers, scholars, Abel
- We are in service to Yisrayl and we do not oppose him in the Work of Yahweh
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- Israyl continues to attack Syria as they prepare to go to war on multiple fronts
- US and Iran tensions and ongoing sanctions
- Use of nuclear weapon now considered acceptable for “right reason”
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with discussion on recent sighting of “warship cloud” seen in southern sky while men were working on a banner.
A few highlights from today’s sermon
- Mattithyah 24:29 shows that war will take place in this generation
- He states we are in last 3½ years as prophesied by several prophets; these 3½ years are for the purpose of putting an end to sin and sinners
- The Book of Yahweh is as a written contract whereby Yahweh promises that none of the prophecies will fail (Isayah 34:16)
- Many are called, few are chosen – those chosen must choose between life or death; righteousness or evil
- We begin by meeting with Yahweh every 7th day – it is a forever appointment with Yahweh (Isayah 66:22-24)
- In the Last Days, Yahweh will establish His House (Micahyah 4:1-2)
- If you practice transgressing Yahweh’s Laws, you belong to Satan (I Yahchanan 3:7-8)
- Isayah 58:13-14 – begin keeping the Sabbath, it is the start; find the place Yahweh has established which is located in Abilene TX as prophesied
- Revelation 11:1 – this prophecy has been fulfilled; verse 2 along with Mattithyah 24:15 reveal what we can expect in this time period
- The Amplified Bible makes Revelation 11:3 clear by saying 3½ years; it is a time for Two Witnesses to take Yahweh’s Message to all the world – this is possible with great technology that the Prophet Daniyl prophesied about; the witnesses will foretell of events about this 3½ year period
- Mattithyah 24:29 – war will break out and will kill a third of the people over a fourth part of the earth in and around the Great River Euphrates
- Pastor encourages viewing audience to reach out to The House of Yahweh for reading material to become familiar with the end-days’ prophecies
- Pastor rehearses some of the history of the Two Witnesses and their early work
- Daniyl 12:6-7 supports the 3½ year prophecy written in Revelation and what Yahshua explained in detail
- Daniyl 9:24-26 “Messiah will be cut off” is a fulfilled prophecy and would remain so until the Last Generation with the birth of the Two Witnesses
- Pastor reminds us that when we see the “Lord of Heaven take his stand in the Holy Place”, whoever reads let him understand – that is, whoever is prophesied to understand let him foretell events and those who lift up Holy Hands to Yahweh (Acts 3:19) will be protected
- In the last 3½ years of the 7-year peace plan, the Vatican plans to seize opportunity for gain