A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Mosheh said to the people; Do not fear, for Yahweh has come to test and prove you, so that the reverence for Yahweh will be with you, so that you do not commit sin. (Exodus 20:20)
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on Yahweh Offering True Peace Again in This Generation and Yahweh’s Plan vs Satan’s Plan.
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on the number 1074 relating to the Seven Works
Numbers today: 1074, 828, 322, 2022, 777
Verses: Revelation 1:20
The Great Kohan Yahodah explained Isayah 1:4, 24:20, 27:1 using authoritative references showing these verses correctly mean they rejected Yahweh and Yahweh rejected them; they transgressed Yahweh’s Law and it will weigh heavily upon them; Yahweh will assign guilt upon them.
Additional verses: Luke 3:7
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented today’s news…
Trade wars; NATO/Russian aggression; Jewish calendar and traditions; Iran/USA war of words, Iran threatens to shut down Strait of Hormuz; 717 billion for US defense budget; Pope says he opposes death penalty
Overseer, Yisrayl Hawkins began his sermon saying that we need to concentrate on today’s news as we prepare for the Offices Yahweh has in store for those who obey.
We are reaching the world because of the modern computer and rapid technology, with many foreign citizens acquiring visas to attend the Feast
Peaceful Solution Character Education Program has proven effective to rehabilitate known felons
Yisrayl has been getting us ready to receive the authority that is prophesied; a humble, submissive attitude shows we are willing to obey
Yisrayl shows how the One Sent has authority to direct the Work of Yahweh, citing Mosheh as an example: he told the children of Israyl to pick manna for six days (not part of 613, but a directive from the One Sent is a Law)
Sin is the result of God worship – do not allow influences to interrupt gathering for Sabbath
Example of Yahweh’s Plan – In Oklahoma a women began the Last Days’ Work by training the Witness, Yisrayl, at a young age
The Book of Yahweh is available in this time period for Yahweh’s People to search and learn from
Yahshua taught to seek Yahweh’s Kingdom and submit to One Sent; we are to be tested and proven; our reward is with Yahshua
Part of the reward is to resurrect the dead beginning with Yahweh’s Elect
Scripture References: Genesis 3:9-19, 22, Revelation 22:12-16, Exodus 20:20, Mattithyah 24:31, I Corinthians 15:21-28, 51-52; Revelation 10:7
Conclusion: We run the race according to the rules and strive to be “as Messiah”.