A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
The day comes that will burn like an oven and all the proud, all who do wickedly will be stubble. (Malakyah 4:1)
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the topics Believe in Yahweh and Who Should We Follow
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on Established Work of Yahweh and Yahweh’s Righteousness
Numbers Today: 1074, 3072, 2311, 2022, 2023, 32, 31
Scriptural References: Yeremyah 23:6; Exodus 34:28; Micahyah 4:1-2; Isayah 1:3, 13:1-3, 60:1-2, 62:10,12; Zecharyah 4:9, 5:9, 6:12-13; Hebrews 4:9, 11:1-2; Deuteronomy 18:18; Acts 3:22
The Great Kohan Michayl presented video from Pastor on his TX tag #1074
The Great Kohan Shaul taught on the subtly of Satan to deceive, and he gave us warning
Only Work of Yahweh is the Prophesied Work of Yahweh – The House of Yahweh, Abilene, TX
Must have Yahweh’s Authority to establish Yahweh’s Work, anything else is of the adversary
Scriptures: Amosyah 3:6-7; Deuteronomy 12:5, 17:9, 18:15,18; Exodus 20:18-19; Yahchanan 6:29, 10:1, 7-9, 13:20; Mattithyah 24:1; Revelation 22:16
The Great Kohan Yahodah addressed corrections for Yahyl 2:32, Isayah 14:32, I Timayah 3:15, using authoritative works to show these verses mean we are to go to Abel to receive deliverance, where Messenger(s) of Yahweh will teach 613 Laws; we submit ourselves to follow these Laws and they will be our protection.
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented the news…
Deadly viruses (Ebola) and vaccines
Wyoming missile system personnel found to be using illegal drugs such as LSD
Middle East nations aligning themselves; EU Counsel President critical of US
North Korea and US wavering on upcoming summit; Germany creating gas line to Russia
Trade wars taking place with potential to start wars
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins, Highlights from his sermon…
Hebrews 11:39-40 (written 64 AY) our forefathers received a Righteous report and will obtain reward based upon the completion of Yahweh’s Plan – we can be part of this in these Last Days
White garment stands for humility and is a must to get into the Kingdom of Yahweh; Mattithyah 7:23 shows Yahshua will not acknowledge those who are proud and who do not submit to Yahweh’s Teacher who teaches Yahweh’s Laws
How do you make a person perfect? Receiving/accepting teaching from our Pastor, Yisrayl
Yahshua asked, Who is My Family? – Those who keep Yahweh’s Laws and in Last Days – those who listen to and obey Yisrayl
Malakyah 4:1-4 (397 BY – 400 years before Yahshua) – this burning also spoken of by Yahshua in Revelation
Righteousness must be in our hearts and is demonstrated in the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program; Mattithyah 16:18 shows unity that will prevail
Yahchanan 17:9 – we are Yahweh’s under Yisrayl’s tutelage; Luke 9:59-62 – to be fit for Kingdom, we focus on Yahweh’s Work set before us
Mattithyah 1:21 – Yahweh will save His People from their sins (those who humble themselves and go to His House and live by every Word of Yahweh); Pastor shows from Amplified, KJV, and Strong’s Concordance that the Savior’s Name, Yahshua, means – Yahweh saves; Yahshua is High Priest over The House of Yahweh, and we belong to Him and Yisrayl and Yahweh; we belong to whom we obey
Conclusion: We are reaching the world, the Work is progressing, and we must continue to “keep our hands to the plow.” The ones who are chosen will have their hearts in the Laws and Work of Yahweh.