A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
The Book of Yahweh is a Light in these Last Days.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the names of Gods we should not say and Satan’s attempt to remove Holiness from the people.
Men’s Presentation
The Great Deacons spoke on several topics including the following: Learning to Love Yahweh’s Laws, Go to the Books, Getting the Sin out Before Passover, Prove Ourselves to Yahweh, and Choose Life with Blessings
A few highlights from their speeches…
Our goal is to learn to love Yahweh’s Laws; there are plenty of distractions, but we must still take the time to study; the desire to sin is with us but we must overcome it, remembering that knowledge is what we need; acquiring material possessions is not a main focus
Do not rebel against the teaching or our opportunity to attain to Yahweh’s Kingdom will be lost; earnestly ask/pray to become servants to one another – let’s be Yahweh to one another
Do not condone sin, but help others to overcome it through teaching; do not tear down one another but rather encourage
The way we speak to one another is very important; be tactful, we weren’t called to be someone’s test, recognize the need to be respectful to newcomers (it’s a culture shock for them at times)
Why read The Mark of the Beast books? They teach the Plan of Yahweh from beginning to end; this will help establish our foundation
Numbers 50 and 74 mean to heal the deaf; the year of release and releasing from sin; nuclear age, king, finished, preacher, Yahweh’s weapons are the teachers – to teach Peace; we struggle for victory via tests/trials
Yahweh looks for our obedience; ask and follow instructions given; prepare our minds to pass the tests
Nothing should separate us from Yahweh; we are a team of workers/a family; therefore, encourage one another to build up each other and Yahweh’s House
Look to our teachers to be there to help; let mercy and care for others guide our days
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 30:19, Isayah 1:20, 34:16; Daniyl 12:4, Mattithyah 6:33, Luke 21:26-28, Romans 8:18-28, 35; II Corinthians 10:3-5, II Timothy 2:15, Yaaqob 1:21-25, 3:13-17
The Great Kohan Mattithyah A. spoke on Yahweh’s Plan to Offer Life
Do not allow our minds to be distracted from Yahweh’s purpose to build us into a family of teachers
We belong to Satan until we overcome sin; the Laws are like a mirror to show us the dirt we must remove; therefore examine our own actions; study helps us to know what sins to overcome
Pastor tells us to get the leavening (the sin) out; we have faults/flaws so don’t worry about the speck in our brothers’ eyes
Remember the root of the Righteous will not be pulled up; therefore, root ourselves in the teaching
Sabbath appointments help us set our minds for the week ahead
Scriptures: I Yahchanan 3:7-9, Proverbs 12:1-3, Ecclesiastes 6:7-9, Exodus 14:11-13
The Great Kohan Qoheleth spoke on the Blessings of Knowing House of Yahweh Teachings
Scriptures used to be just cute stories, now we know they are life lessons; the Kohan gives several examples including Daniyl and the lion’s den – not cute kitties
We didn’t know anything about the Scriptures; reflect on how much we have learned; Yahshua said, the Truth will set us free from sin
Judgment begins at The House of Yahweh; we must do what is necessary to remain in Yahweh’s House; if we do not allow Yahweh’s Words to change us, we fail
We are learning to be a voice of life to those who are perishing; take up the cause of the poor/needy
The Laws of Yahweh, taught by a Teacher of Righteousness, are more important to us than bread/water
Scriptures: Yahdah 5-7, Psalms 50:7, 16-23, 82: 1-5; Proverbs 31:1-5, 8-9; Isayah 24:5-6
The Great Kohan Kepha R. spoke on Yahweh’s Perfect Training Camp
Preparation is important, the classes are important; Sabbaths are appointments to make us into Yahweh’s Image; not only hearing but learning to do or practice; become in 100% agreement with the doctrine in Yahweh’s House, our actions speak louder than our words
Study and practice – acting on the information we receive is essential, be eager about it
Tribulation produces patience, and patience develops into maturity of character – therefore, we must allow Yahweh to change us; we rejoice when we understand the process
With practice we will learn how to solve difficult cases; faltering in the time of adversity shows that we are not prepared and gives us opportunities to work on problems
To be prepared: Develop a hatred for procrastination, fight against it; especially true for studies/overcoming
Set ourselves to be examples of being in Unity with Yahweh’s House; that is one reason it is so important to be ready to listen; in other words value what Yahweh is bringing on Sabbath
Scriptures: Proverbs 24:10, 13-16; Yaaqob 1:22-25, Romans 5:3-5, Exodus 18:19-22, Hebrews 3:6, 5:14, 12:11; Titus 2:7
Conclusion: Realize the great blessing we have to be in Yahweh’s House.