A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
We look to Yahshua Who was the first to be led and perfected by Yahweh’s Laws.
Women’s Presentation
Some of today’s highlights:
Promises given by world can be deceptive, while Yahweh keeps His Promises
The last generation began in 1934, and we know that Yahweh’s command to “guard and keep the earth,” did not end, but mankind has ignored this Command; therefore, we see famine, drought, disease, etc.
We must train to become part of Yahweh’s Kingdom; “Come out of the world” — do this by first seeking Yahweh’s Kingdom; we must train to be teachers of Yahweh’s Laws
Faith and determination are needed; doubt is the start of Godworship; do not be lax in our work
Prophecies fulfilled prove Yahweh’s Words
Once we have proven ourselves worthy of an office, given by Yahweh, we will not lose the office – ever
Remember to think of our tests and trials as blessings
Attaining to the Kingdom of Yahweh must become the most valuable objective in our lives
We can overcome by setting our minds in advance; many are called, but few will “choose” to suffer affliction
We can change our habits when we follow Pastor’s instructions
Satan’s rebellion can sneak upon us, and we can fall into her trap if we do not remain obedient
Examples of falling into rebellion 1) too embarrassed to admit fault 2) pride gets in the way of repentance 3) stubbornness leads to defensiveness, not helpful to others or putting them first
Those who are called are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and must overcome all sin and convert to Yahweh’s Laws – many are called, but few are chosen; three out of four will fall away
He who overcomes will inherit all things; it is conditional upon the keeping of Yahweh’s Laws
Conclusion: work on becoming living sacrifices by following teachings in Yahweh’s House and the Laws of Yahweh – this is our reasonable service.