A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
The Branch, our Teacher, Yisrayl, builds The True House of Yahweh according to Prophecy, and he teaches us how to overcome sin so we can teach others to overcome sin as well.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on “Repent and Convert,” and “Do We Want Yahweh’s Protection?”
A Few Highlights…
Positive Law #73 teaches us to confess (Numbers 5:6-7)
Psalm 91:1-8; 27:1, 3-5: The only people offered protection are those who call on Yahweh (Yahyl 2:32)
I Yahchanan 5:3: Yahweh’s People uphold Yahweh’s Laws; Sins remove Yahweh’s Protection (Isayah 59:1-2)
The Great Deacon Shaul S. spoke from Birth of the Nuclear Baby, The Explosion of Sin book and its relevance today. North Korea’s threat is real and recent events support years of teachings from The House of Yahweh. The deacon also presented pictures and dates to add significance. Revelation 9:5; 14:11; 18:7, 10, 15 speaks of torment.
The Great Kohan Yahodah admonishes us not to add to or take away anything from The Book of Yahweh and explains how Canaanite words are used to deceive (beth-el as an example)
Amosyah 3:6-7 with clarification, shows Yahweh’s Plan in detail.
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. spoke about Yisrayl, the 7th Malak, the One Sent, the Spokesman. Yahshua and Yisrayl are inseparable, and that should be our focus as well. Isayah 44:2-3, we know that Yahweh has made this occur, and the Kohan gives plenty of details from his previous sermon. He also explains that Yisrayl is our King in these Last Days.
In the news…
Yemen under rules of war – starvation while UN does “nothing” (seven million on brink of starvation)
Niger under drone strikes; North Korea launches missile that can accomplish their nuclear goals
UN, US, and Russia still vying for supremacy (Kohan’s comment to refresh our minds to Yisrayl’s teaching from the book – The Keys of this Blood)
US economy setting record highs, and this is according to Prophecy
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl, states time is running out, and today’s date, 37 years ago, 12/2/1980, was the dedication of the Last Days’ First Mobile Sanctuary. In gematria, #2022 in Hebrew means mountain, which is exactly according to Prophecy. (Mountain means promotion.)
In addition, this number means the elevation of The House of Yahweh
Furthermore, this number is from #2106 and means prominent, bright, cornerstone
From the Greek, it means to pour upon, which is also understanding, (spirit of understanding) from Yisrayl (the Last Days’ Witness, born in 1934)
Also #351 and means investigation, for the purpose of gathering, and #350 is to examine for Judgment
Yisrayl, spelled correctly, means “He who rules as Yahweh.” Pastor gives a recap on how Yahweh led him to choose the correct spelling of his name for his legal name change. Israel means He who rules as God. We are thankful for Yahweh’s intervention as our Pastor most definitely rules as Yahweh rules!
On today’s news we look to Revelation 6 (the seals are open), and we see all these things coming to pass at this time, as the Quartet fulfills what Prophecy says they would.
Yahweh shows in Genesis 3 that the people would choose to be evil like the Gods, and this has gone on ever since. Pastor reminds us that there is no Salvation without the Laws of Yahweh.
The Book of Yahweh (Book 1 and 2) had to be gathered. According to the numbering system of these two books, nothing could be added. The numbers in The Book of Yahweh, according to E. W. Bullinger, are perfect.
Isayah 28:13, the last part, shows they could not understand until the Last Days – this is what their disobedience brought them – confusion.
What we understand today, was not understood until now – thanks to the teachings of Yisrayl
This is Yahweh’s doing and marvelous to us
Mattithyah 4:4: Mankind can only live by the every Word of Yahweh – very few understand this
Amosyah 3:7: there was no Work, because they could not understand; Revelation 10:7 showing the Work of Yisrayl as proclaimed by the Prophets (Amosyah 3:7)
Conclusion: Soon Yahweh’s People will have use of the subconscious mind. With it comes the authority over the creeping things, and they, the creeping things, will trust us to guard and keep them in peace and well-being. They will obey us based on trust. This, then, explains Yahshua’s teaching on having the ability to move a mountain or walk on water. We strive for Mattithyah 4:4 in our lives, daily.