A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
“The House of Yahweh is the Gate to The Kingdom of Yahweh,” says Yisrayl Hawkins.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the following topics: Headship and the Benefits of Headship, and Learning What to Teach.
The Great Kohan Nathanyah spoke on a message entitled “What is Fear?”
Scriptures: Psalm 23, Psalm 26:7, Deuteronomy 6:7
A few highlights…
Yahweh fulfills our needs; His Rod is Yisrayl today, His teachings – the Laws and Prophets – comfort us
Fight or flight response result from a negative thought process of fear, doubts, etc.
Reverence is the positive aspect of fear and with reverence we can remain firm and steadfast
Our duty is to study and meditate on the Way of Yahweh; in every aspect of our lives, Yahweh’s Laws apply
As teachers, we are to instill the knowledge, to our children, that Yahweh’s Way is their best path to follow
The Great Kohan Benyamin spoke on the theme of Yisrayl as Light to the Nations
A few numbers discussed include 82800, 3306, 696, 8320, 3444, 77, 3467, 17, 28, 74, 3310, 613, 21612, 6607, 6605, 3474, 828. Some verses today: Isayah 45:1, 44:2, 49:6, 11; Yahchanan 15; Zecharyah 9:9
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented an awesome film showing a partial history of Pastor’s work…
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins began with some history from the time of his birth, specifically the WPA soup lines, slow travel time by horse and wagon, and absence of telephones. The soup lines provided three meals/day, which included meat only once per day in a bowl of soup.
During the coming Feast, we will partake of a bit of history by experiencing an authentic soup line and are all but guaranteed a delicious bowl of beef stew with corn bread.
A few highlights…
China has plans for their own oil market, which will cause the US to fulfill the prophesied war; Yahshua, in Revelation 6, prophesied of the beastly system’s efforts to not hurt their oil and their lifestyle
Only the very elect – those who humbly submit to the Work of Yahweh – will have protection
North Korea has the nuclear bomb and their boastful words are threatening
Knowledge/wisdom is only found in The Book of Yahweh, but it was withheld from the world for over 1,500 years
We are called to Yahweh’s Kingdom – our testing is part of it
Yahshua has been training for this Kingdom for 2,000 years; thinking we have the “know-how” at this time is simply delusional, therefore we should not attempt to “rule” over others
Genesis 1:26 our purpose; Exodus 20:20 to test us for this purpose
Television viewing and fast-paced video games make changes in the mind, which lead to deteriorating physical changes in the body
In Conclusion, get involved in the Work of Yahweh; those who exalt themselves, as it says in Luke 14:10-11, will be abased. Consider the humility necessary to esteem others as better than we are.