A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
Featured verse:
The Tree of Righteousness and evil you must not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die (Genesis 2:17)
Key Takeaway
- The coronavirus is Yahweh’s Prophesied Judgment—because mankind has not followed His Laws; these plagues are a result of breaking Yahweh’s Laws; rather seek the place where Yahweh places His Name—ask Priests how to keep Laws to achieve life everlasting
- Yahweh has forgiven us and we are obligated to follow this example, otherwise we can develop grudges and hatred; strive for a spirit of humility and servitude; important to come into unity—not about personality, it is conformity to Yahweh’s Law, the straight and narrow way (righteousness), do not quit but rather strive for it
Part 2: The Men Teach
Featured verse:
Why are you angry? Why are you downcast? If you do righteousness, will you not be accepted? (Genesis 4:6-7)
Teaching Highlights
- ‘Anger of Cain’ in Bible Code, stressing importance of not having anger in our lives
- ‘Endowed With Authority From on High’ explained in numbers
- Genesis 6:17, Exodus 12:12-13, explained/restored using authoritative sources proving Yahweh is NOT vengeful/violent; Additional supportive verses—Ecclesiastes 1:9-10, Hebrews 10:4
- Recent news events presented in video clip
Part 3: Focus on our Teacher, Yisrayl
Featured verse:
Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were spread abroad, that Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him (Genesis 4:8)
What We Learned Today
- Unless mankind repents, the world will go according to prophecy; we are currently in first plague; everyone who has mark of the beast will have coronavirus (coronavirus has been in earth for over 6,000 years—moves in waves with mankind); began in the days of Cain from the shedding of blood
- Sewer water problems will be second plague—it has begun; plagues only end with cleansing the earth
- To scientists/doctors, Pastor says he can help if they’ll ask—he discusses news articles to explain
- Children need to understand why plagues are coming upon mankind—must be taught to understand the evil of the gods; power is knowledge (able to foretell what is coming, only Yahweh has this ability)
- Treehouses will benefit parents/children during the Feast/continue lamplight studies
- Two known floods upon the earth due to sin – 1st dinosaurs’ destruction of the earth, 2nd Noah’s time because sins of man were great
- Nuclear war is prophesied – it will free the earth of coronavirus/will be only time the earth is subjected to great burning
- Genesis 4:8 – Cain murdered his brother Abel; Pastor gives detailed timeline/dates
Closing Scripture:
Then Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every intent of the thoughts of man’s heart was only evil, continually (Genesis 6:5)