A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
- Only Yahweh can foretell the future; Yahweh’s prophecies are sure
- Submission to our authorities brings unity and joy
- The Faith is discussed/explained in relation to patience/confidence/conviction in Yahweh, His Laws, and Yahweh’s chosen teachers
- We live in the greatest time in history—seeing the fulfilment of end time prophecies
- Question: Will our righteousness stand the test? Do not fear, Yahweh is with us; over the years, Yahweh has built His House and builds up His people by allowing us the necessary time to overcome
- We establish our righteousness through the keeping of Yahweh’s Laws; Yahweh seeks to know what is in our heart—essentially what is our character—and to know if we will keep His Laws or not
- Consider how many people actually seek after Yahweh’s righteousness on the entire face of the earth—only Yahweh’s people who seek Him at His House
- Those who seek after Gods—those who have cut themselves off from Yahweh—will bring about their own destruction
- Yahweh has placed His strength (His Laws) in the minds of His people—we will teach Yahweh’s way to our children/all people/the universe; the Laws/the prophecies are the only two things that will keep Yahweh’s people from falling for deception, etc.
- To build The House of Yahweh requires a great deal of work/it is our job in the last days; the work is ‘tremendous’—the material is available, it is up to us to do the work—willingly; also includes the two greatest commandments, as taught by Yahshua
- Repentance/conversion allow us to meditate on the Word of Yahweh and to examine ourselves so we can perfect our overcoming all sin—requires a willing/pure heart
- In order to do the work of Yahweh, Yahweh’s people must be humble and seek after an understanding and discerning heart in regards to serving others
A few scriptures from today: Hebrews 11:1; Luke 13:22-28; Deuteronomy 6:1-2, 13, 25, 8:1-3; Isayah 51:1-8; Isayah 24:1-6; II Chronicles 20:13-17; I Chronicles 28:7-8, 11-13, 19-21, 29:1-2, 4-7; I Kings 3:7-9; Ecclesiastes 1:13-18; I Kepha 2:4-5; Luke 12:27-32
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins on 02/04/2017
Highlights from that sermon:
- Pastor went over details about the necessity to repent in contrast to teachings from the Vatican—scripture says they won’t repent
- Scripture shows prophecies coming to pass, according to Yahweh’s word
- Yahweh expects us to ‘guard and keep’ Yahweh’s way of righteousness; He knows the only way to have joy and life is through His Law—mankind must not partake of evil
- To be acceptable before Yahweh—righteousness will help us overcome the desire to sin
- Without Yahweh’s Laws, mankind has continual war; Cain taught his sons (Enoch) to follow God worship—we see that today in religions; prophecy shows they will perish; Yahweh allows mankind to go his way, to prove Yahweh’s plan from the beginning: this is necessary to teach mankind a valuable lesson
- In this sermon, Pastor explained the sea/see of glass—to see a vision (television) fulfilling Daniyl’s prophecy
A few scriptures from that day: Genesis 2:9, 15, 3:1-7, 3:22, 4:14-15, 17; Yahdah 1:11; Yahchanan 1:1-2; Genesis 49:1-11; Micahyah 4:1-3; Mattithyah 16:18; Isayah 59:1-2, 15, 19-21; Daniyl 12:4-5; Revelation 6:8, 7:1-2