A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation— All the World is in the Bondage of Sin
Opening Verse: Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins can be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the presence of Yahweh (Acts 3:19)
- Obedience to Yahweh’s Laws keep Yahweh’s People safe—Yahweh set up His Plan from the beginning in order for mankind to experience abundant living
- Man’s governments have rejected Yahweh’s Laws from the beginning; Yahweh offers a way – true repentance
- Instructions from Pastor—set minds in advance, do not let frustrations get the best of us
- World wants our focus to be on ‘outside’ rather than ‘inside’—looks, standards, etc.; Yahweh looks at the heart (example: Yahweh’s choice—King David); therefore, what we choose to place in our hearts is important to Yahweh
- The results of sin is confusion—covid-19 is an example
- Show honor/respect to parents and our teachers in Yahweh—humility takes time, effort on our part; forgiveness is vital to keep Yahweh’s People from leaving the Message
- Deceptions: negative words against our teachers; guard our words, change how/what we layer in our hearts—remember we desire to be among those who teach Yahweh’s Laws
- Nations experience growing anger/hatred for they are under Satan’s bondage; only a few find the straight/narrow way; history recorded in Holy Scriptures shows results of rejecting Yahweh/Yahweh’s Laws
- The unclean cannot be cleansed in order to make it clean for our use
- Yahweh tells us the end from the beginning, so we don’t have to experiment with the ways of the world/the ways of sin/the ways of Satan
- Curses are a result of not walking according to the Laws of Yahweh—Yahweh’s Laws are perfect if they are kept as written, otherwise the microbes are affected/changed and bring suffering to mankind
- On a global scale—the bondage of sin is taking hold of the world, people are sick/dying
- Yahweh’s People are taught the difference between the holy/profane, the clean/unclean; Yahweh’s People have hope for the future, the world will change
- Contaminated water will be second plague (coronavirus is the first); the human body needs water for all physiological function
- 1) The bible is the truth—instant eye-opening 2) The Savior is real and people need to know about Him—deep conviction, great power to believe 3) Call our Creator by His Name, Yahweh, it’s a matter of life or death—Tree of discernment under the One Sent only at The House of Yahweh
- Focus on difference between what is real, what is synthetic—what Yahweh gives has life and has ‘forever’ qualities; Yahweh’s Promises include a peaceful government that will rule and last forever
- Make Yahweh real—Pastor teaches/explains what’s going on in the world to understand Prophecies; take on the warnings, pray, attend Sabbath, listen to instruction from The House of Yahweh
- People begin to reject Yahweh because of being hurt/offended in some way; we must reach the point where nothing offends us, in any way
Closing Verse: Law #6 Hold Fast to Yahweh—You shall reverence Yahweh your Father and serve Him, hold fast to Him and take your oaths in His Name (Deuteronomy 10:20)