A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Deacons’ Highlights
- Must have teaching from Yahweh’s House to achieve perfection; do not take for granted the blessing of being able to come to Yahweh’s House
- Faithful is to be strengthened by Yahweh’s Laws—our conduct, our commitment demonstrates our effort, therefore we encourage one another, especially with the opportunities we have before us, to gather on Sabbath
- The Kingdom of Yahweh is not in talk but in the power of Yahweh—it is fundamentally based on humility and obedience; self-examination and work on our own character
- Pride is part of the beastly system—scripture supports this in Malakyah 4:1, II Kepha 3:10
- Training in Yahweh’s House means—to teach a skill (coming to perfection via Yahweh’s Laws) through practice and instruction over a period of time
- Yahweh permits certain things (tests/trials), in our training, for the purpose of achieving perfection
- The work of Yahweh—believe into the one sent, in these last days—Yisrayl Hawkins
Kohans’ Highlights
- Discussion on Parable of the Talents—not specifically referring to money, it refers to increasing in righteousness
- Yahweh expects faithfulness from His people—loyal to the doctrine, taught by Yisrayl, with belief/trust; it is not for us to judge our ruler as anything, other than, faithful to Yahweh
- We must develop care/concern for our brothers and sisters—through the Law, magnified by Yahshua (Mattithyah 22:36-40); this we do with lowliness of mind, meekness, righteous conduct, kindness, forgiveness, encouragement, etc. for the necessary building of Yahweh’s House
- There’s nothing new under the sun; the children of Israyl lived in the region of Goshen, the area was large but close to Pharoah’s district; the plagues came quickly at that time and today…they will come within 14 remaining months
- Details/significance of plagues, during Mosheh’s time, for comparison on length of time/plague; plagues will come fast and hard
- We must strive to make our calling and election sure—therefore, make the best use of our time, in preparation, to achieve righteousness before Yahweh
- Live by Yahshua’s example to fulfill the work of last days’ House—to bring forth the man, Yahshua
- Prophecy has bright/and dark side; Book of Yahweh is a prophetic book showing past, present, and future—Yahweh’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, speaking of the called-out ones (who were not a people, but who now are the people of Yahweh); the words of Yahweh are not empty words—they bring life to us; without knowledge, wisdom, glory, and understanding, Yahweh’s people are destroyed
- We look forward to the prophecy that says the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Yahweh and Yahweh’s people actively work toward fulfilling this prophecy today