A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- Yechetzqyah’s prophecy rehearsed showing sixty-nine weeks to be ready
- Details/significance on number 41 provided
- The world’s rules are constantly changing—people search for answers in vain
- ‘Time wasting influences’ (entertainment, social media) detailed/significance/numbers)
- Blame game is not excuse; self-examine to know if reverence of Yahweh is with us
- We are responsible/accountable for how we utilize our time
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “The Holy Land” detailed in Bible Code
- A Pale Horse, Third Part of People will be Killed, in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Yahweh’s House are His people, it is The Tree of Life
- ‘Evil like the Gods’ is recorded in the beginning; Yahweh is not a God, He is the Creator, He is righteous
- Yahweh established The House of Yahweh in Genesis Chapter 2, then mankind turned to Satan, Eve was deceived and Adam went along with her
- Pastor tells us not to let anyone deceive us—if you practice righteousness you belong to Yahweh, if you practice sin you belong to Satan
- Satan’s way (the way of Cain) is vengeance, retaliation, fighting, etc.
- In the Last Days Yahweh establishes His House again to bring righteousness and everlasting life
- Yahshua said the same thing—He would give reward to those who keep Yahweh’s Laws
- Micahyah said the Last Days, as the End Time, associated with the work of the Two Witnesses—foretell events of last 3½ year time
- The Book of Yahweh is the source of all knowledge; it is a written contract between Yahweh and mankind; His plan is to make mankind into His Own image; the smallest of sin could affect His plan
- In the Last Days—message will go out to the entire world; part of this message is to clear up all misconceptions and lies—the Sunday sabbath lie is example (Yahweh’s Law states the Seventh Day is the Sabbath)
- Yahweh sets time for mankind’s lifespan, otherwise they would suffer too long in their sins; the allotted time allows mankind to learn from their sins—see, for themselves, what sin brings
- Eternal Life is achieved only through righteousness (Yahweh’s Laws), they are a witness to the actions of mankind—whether there is repentance, conversion, to Yahweh’s Way
- The End is identified through the 7 last plagues—details are in Revelation
- Isayah 24 shows the cause of sin—the transgression of the Law, which is responsible for last plagues
- The great nuclear burning is the end of the plagues