A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Daughters of Yahweh
- Become perfect: discussed using quotes of Yisrayl, numbers, and verses
- We lose understanding if we have doubts and break Yahweh’s Laws
- Details about Yahweh’s family being built up according to Yahweh’s character
- Yahweh’s people are special to Yahweh – they do the ‘works of Abraham’ (keep Laws)
- We are called to Yahweh’s House to overcome/be completely obedient to His Laws
Sons of Yahweh
- “The Fifth Plague” detailed in Bible Code
- “The Sistine Temple” in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins
A Few Highlights from a sermon given on 5/28/1994:
- Pastor introduced ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’ as a new series in 1994
- Yahweh gave us what He wants us to know in the scriptures
- Line-upon-line study reveals Yahweh’s Plan; the foolishness of preaching is the chosen method for Yahweh’s people to learn/to train
- The ‘body’ will enter the Kingdom as a unified body of believers
- We are to put our trust in Yahweh – ‘do not let our hearts be troubled’
- The carnal mind is not subject to the Laws of Yahweh
- Our training is part of Yahweh’s Plan – He is setting up an office/a job for His people in the coming Kingdom
Several Scriptures from Pastor’s Sermon: I Corinthians 2:9, Yahchanan 14:1-2, Revelation 21:1-9