A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
- We have entered a difficult time but we have Yahshua’s Words to rely upon. Yahweh’s people know to rejoice because the time of redemption draws near
- Peaceful Solution guides us to be optimistic during difficult times—this creates a positive environment for ourselves and others
- Yahshua gave a warning to be on guard not to be deceived; Yisrayl has warned us of a great deception in the Last Days; Satan is subtle and crafty and described as seducing, enticing; she promotes the idea of being disobedient as the logical choice
- Yahweh’s people have the choice to be obedient or disobedient—we cannot be both
- There have been several ‘One Sent’ messengers/servants shown in Scripture, in the Last Days, Yisrayl is the one who teaches in Yahweh’s Name
- We are to seek Yahweh, His Laws, and His righteousness, first; if we obey Yahweh in this way—obeying the voice of our Father, through Yisrayl (the One Sent in our time period), Yahweh will fulfill His promises toward us
- Examples of One Sent beside Yahshua: Mosheh, Abel, Noah, Melchizedek, Abraham, Yahchanan the Immerser, etc.
- We must show Yahweh that we are willing to put forth the effort, which is necessary, to become what we have been called to—to be a blessing and servant to others
- We ought to strive to overcome the hardships we face; keep our trust in Yahweh—His Plan and the teachings from Yahweh’s House
- Do not look back, continue to push toward perfection through keeping Yahweh’s Laws
- Yahweh’s people look to the future goal of being found worthy, found righteous, in order to inherit the Kingdom—therefore, our present suffering doesn’t compare to achieving goal
- Run our race according to the rules: ‘Think Law’ is an important focus, practice keeping Yahweh’s Law, govern our thoughts in righteousness, watch our words—do they build or tear down, furthermore we are exhorted to rejoice regardless of difficulties we face, hold fast to our zeal while overcoming sin—reaching goal set before us
- Yahweh is connecting His people through an invisible magnetic field—words, actions either push or pull others away or toward us
- Unlike the world teaches, we know that Yahweh is not angry; Satan’s deception is to make us defensive under ‘perceived’ anger of others towards us
- Yahweh desires mercy (outward expression) and obedience (inner decision); what we learn on Sabbath carries us throughout our week, it’s a lifestyle choice
- Yahweh created us, He knows we might become angry, He tells us not to sin; anger affects brain and body: set your mind in advance not to sin, at first spark of anger a process begins to release cortisol (stress hormone), this anatomical process is presented/discussed at length with parallels on how to adjust/live according to the necessities of a righteous life; we must not be hasty to anger (elevated/continuous levels of cortisol can be attributed to physical ailments)
- Be slow to anger – this leads to health and ultimately achieving goal of eternal life
- (DHMO) Dihydrogen Monoxide facts and dangers presented/explained; it’s found in many things including styrofoam, etc. and certain food products—it is also an addictive substance; also found in rivers, lakes; reason would suggest it would be banned but it is not because it’s water—which we obviously need
- Blessed is he who comes in the Name of Yahweh—explained; Yahshua came in the Name of Yahweh during His time, Yisrayl comes in the Name of Yahweh at this time
- Yahshua is High Priest over Last Days’ House of Yahweh; Yahshua beholds the man whose name is the Branch—the Branch builds the House of Yahweh (in Last Days), having Yahweh’s authority to do so; we must believe ‘into’ the One Sent; Yisrayl introduces us to the wonders of Yahweh’s knowledge, he guides us to seek after righteousness and how to make connection with Yahweh, and to become into Yahweh’s likeness
- Only if we are in unity with the One Sent, Yisrayl, will we be able to say, “Blessed is he who comes in the Name Yahweh”