A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
- Work out our own salvation; remember Yahweh is at work within us – scriptures reveal what He approves/what He does not (Details provided, line upon line, Book of Yahweh)
- We stand with Yisrayl as the world struggles with uncertainty; he teaches/guides according to Yahweh’s way; examine ourselves to see what we desire—is it to learn/know the mind of Yahweh?
- Yisrayl has been saying for years that the world, on its current course, will not succeed, ‘it is going down’ – yet some do not believe, even when prophecies prove this true
- Our obligation is to seek righteousness – the literature/classes are available; mankind created with desire to sin but we must overcome it; Satan’s deception is to promote what appears better/obscures the results of sin; Yahweh tells us results/what we can expect, if we overcome sin, and adhere to His Law
- “I will make you a pillar in The House of Yahweh” – the importance/construction of pillar is extreme; associated with Family Name of Yahweh; pillar—a firm, upright support for a superstructure, character of the upright (slides show qualities of the structure—found in multiples, not solo, able to carry/support a heavy load); discussion/details provided using scriptural examples
- The House of Yahweh is the Pillar and Ground of the Truth—significance explained, including measuring line, to provide strength and stability (we are being trained for future offices in Yahweh’s Kingdom; must overcome all sin to become a pillar in Yahweh’s House – we put our hands to the plough and do not look back; Yahshua the cornerstone of the living House of Yahweh (the people)
- Believe in Yahweh as the only Source of Power; prophecy is for the believers—Yahweh’s people taught/hear the prophecies regularly; world does not receive this; news events run parallel to the prophecies; Yahweh is the only being who can foretell future events – He did so thousands of years in advance
- To fully understand prophecy, we must know/understand the plan of Yahweh; Yisrayl understands the plan of Yahweh and is able to teach it to others; the Laws of Yahweh are foundation on which the prophecies are built upon
- Yahweh’s Laws must be in our hearts—Yisrayl’s voice carries Yahweh’s words to us constantly; Laws change our hearts/minds; wisdom comes from Laws/Prophecies—they guide our intentions/our motivations; we question ourselves based on Laws; at some point we might stop asking/answering the ‘why’ because of pressure, frustration, etc.; proper attitude and willingness to give detailed answer is important; consider parents/children and importance of answering their questions with respect
- Keep in mind what our intent is—Yahweh knows our hearts; we cannot hide the intent of our heart from Yahweh nor from our brethren because our intents are accompanied by action; our first thought of the day should be toward how we can help others
- Take the time to clarify for the sake of others – consider our tone, our attitude; our objective is to build one another; encouragement can change the outlook of others for their entire day—we have impact upon others, it’s a choice we make
- Never stop asking ourselves what our intentions are – why we are choosing Yahweh and His Laws; intents/purposes are closely related; our correct intentions will help us qualify for Yahweh’s Kingdom