A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- To maintain employment: 1) Do what is necessary – arm yourself against influences that could lead you to fall victim to Satan’s traps 2) Do your job well, despite of what is going on around you, do your job to the best of your ability
- Live a dedicated, Righteous life in The House of Yahweh
- Review Daniyl 9:24,27 – House of Yahweh literature, Scriptures, quotes, and numbers
- We reverence Yahweh by keeping His Laws (Reference Positive Law #4)
- Exodus 19 from Pastor’s last sermon expounded – how to prepare to keep the Sabbath
- Keep Sabbath according to Yahweh’s Word and find your joy in Yahweh
- Consider weekly Sabbath as opportunity to meet with Yahweh – washing feet shows our efforts to turn from iniquity and sin
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “The Quartet” detailed in Bible Code
- Behold the Man Whose Name is the Branch, Part 3 in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Coronavirus discovered summer 2019; the last plagues and last part of 3½ years started also started in 2019 – all of this is prophesied
- Revelation 11 describes the work of the Two Witnesses – they tell the world about this last time period
- Approximately seventeen months remain to fulfill the Prophecies
- News: The Vatican hails vaccinations as ‘one of the greatest achievements’ of modern science in push against vaccine skepticism; article coming out of UK warns of additional coronavirus variants (obviously the vaccines aren’t that great)
- Pastor details some of the Vatican’s history with other nations in attempts to unify religions, (supposedly)
- Revelation 9:1-12, 20-21 discussed as Prophecy that is occurring at the time of the coronavirus
- Pastor explains Isayah 14:12-20 and he further explains seeking Righteousness first, then Salvation/Eternal Life is the reward; seeking for reward of Salvation only, reflects lack of understanding; Satan will be revealed for whom she is and what she’s done – she has weakened mankind through her efforts of Godworship, deceit, greed, etc