A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- Choose Righteousness: The Book of Yahweh, references, footnotes, Yisrayl quotes, and numbers assist with making the right choice
- Moods are temporary/attitudes are often opinion-based/emotions drive mood/opinions
- We are in the last part of Daniyl’s 70 weeks Prophecy, details in verses/quotes/numbers
- Babylon is falling—number 26 significance discussed in detail
- Yahweh offers The Tree of Life (from the beginning), practice Righteousness, do not hate your brother; instruction comes through His Servant, Yisrayl
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “Bill and JG – Radio” detailed in Bible Code (signifying 1962 Q&A radio program)
- Behold the Man Whose Name is the Branch, Part 2 in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Samuyl 8:4-5, 20 Pastor explains that there is more to seek, than a false salvation in order to continue same lifestyle; they did not want to follow Yahweh’s Laws when they criticized Samuyl
- Genesis 4:5-7 Cain angry because he did not ‘do Righteousness’
- Sabbath: invitation to keep Sabbath with Yahweh and learn how to keep Righteousness
- Salvation comes from The House of Yahweh – know that you cannot seek Salvation at Yahweh’s House and plan to continue to sin
- Yahweh created food for the human body – body is made up of microorganisms, thousands of kingdoms of them, each performing jobs in unity (eyes is great example)
- Magnesium is an amazing mineral necessary to treat/support many things in human body, including the brain, when taken in correct amount
- News: Covid variant increasing, abortions – 20,597,229 this year alone, HIV/AIDS over 42 million, also suicides in alarming numbers
- Yahshua says to come to The House of Yahweh to seek after Righteousness first – not only to come seeking ‘to be saved’; Salvation is the reward for learning/keeping Yahweh’s Laws
- Yahweh tells us to choose life – how to do that – choose Righteousness
- When Yahweh teaches us His Ways then mankind will have peace, no wars anymore
- A Kingdom of Priests – a Holy Nation is what the Laws of Yahweh are able to achieve
- Two days needed to prepare/keep the Sabbath – Law shows that Preparation Day is important – wash clothes has deeper meaning as shown in Revelation; instruction will be given on how to prepare for the Sabbath