A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
- Be steadfast and hold on until the end… like a bulldog
- Discussion about difficult dark days ahead and how Satan has gradually dulled mankind over time; we know, thanks to Yisrayl’s teachings, that prophecies have and will continue to come to pass
- We were guided to reflect upon our calling, via a series of questions/answers; we know that The House of Yahweh is the established work of Yahweh
- Pastor’s teaching about the importance of prayer presented – what to pray for, being thankful in sincerity
- We ‘campaign’ for a righteous administration that includes the power of prayer; we are encouraged to ‘remain in the race’
- Importance of number 558 presented/discussed with other numbers; coded language and secret messages explained with additional numbers
Several Scriptures from Today’s Speeches: I Yahchanan 3:4; Mattithyah 6:21, 7:15-20, 12:37, 24:21-22; Psalm 27:4, 119:165; Yahchanan 6:29; Hebrews 10:21; Zecharyah 6:13; I Corinthians 1:21; Genesis 4:7; Yahchanan Mark 8:31-32, 13:33-37; Daniyl 12:12; II Timothy 2:19
Book of Yisrayl Quotes: First Book, 32:40-41; Twentieth Book 41:78,81
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins on: 8/04/2007
Entitled: Keeping the Sabbath as Yahweh Kept the Sabbath
A Few Highlights…
- Pastor explains how emotions can help or harm us
- We are to love Yahweh with all our heart – we see Him through His Laws (therefore we must learn to appreciate His Laws as they form our righteous character)
- Yahweh chose us, His people, not because of our background but because of what is offered to us, if we choose righteousness
- Pastor explains why wars have been held back to a specified time
- The life of Yahshub (Iyyob) discussed; Yahweh protected his life, until He withdrew from him, for a time, to allow tests and trials
- Yahweh wants to know what is in our hearts; we must qualify for our positions
- We are to love our brothers/sisters as ourselves; Statutes discussed/explained
Scriptures: Mattithyah 18:6-8, Psalm 119:165, Leviticus 19:18, Yaaqob 5:9-11