A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- Review Daniyl 9:24, 27 – speaking of Last Days’ House of Yahweh, 7-year peace plan
- Follow established pattern to be united with Yahweh forever
- Yahweh foretold about conditions in Last Days, Satan has whole world deceived
- Phrases and numbers explored – 1074, 3092, 322, 2021, 1980, etc.
- House of Yahweh warns of nuclear wars, we believe Yahweh without seeing these wars
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “No time left” detailed in Bible Code
- Their Folly Will Be Manifest to All, Part 6 in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Pastor discusses future communication and travel when usual methods are hampered
- Daniyl 12:4 – discussion about end time Prophecies, increased knowledge for a set time
- Yahshua described Last Days – capability to destroy all life
- 1934 – start of last generation/ending in 18 months
- Yeremyah 23:3-4, 7-8 speaks on the Gathering for this time period
- Tree of Life/Tree of Righteousness and Evil explained
- Sins, with curses in the form of diseases, has defiled the earth (described as a bottomless pit of sin); Genesis 2:9 speaks of the dust of the earth, mankind has defiled the earth over 6,000 years; devastating nuclear war will cleanse the earth with burning heat
- The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program was point of discussion during three conferences as best method to bring peace to world – it is the Tree of Life spoken of in Genesis 2
- I Yahchanan 3:4-10, Romans 6:16 explains sin and Satan’s authority
- To obtain Salvation – Seek Yahweh’s Kingdom and His Righteousness, first
- Revelation 7 – additional information on the huge Gathering
- Isayah 45– shows Yahweh is the Only One to foretell the future, accurately