A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- Yahweh’s People practice Righteousness; Kohanah ordinations began 17 years ago, detailed in numbers
- Last fruits will be first according to Prophecy – remnant gathered (Yahweh’s Family)
- A person is in bondage to sin if they practice sin; Catholic Church has world in bondage
- “It is written” explained/detailed in numbers/quotes/Scriptures; Sarah/her daughters are examples and provide encouragement in Last Days
- Everything has meaning with Yahweh – example is keeping Sabbath Day
- Yahweh’s People respect all life – do not take Creation into “our own hands” as we’ve seen in the world (Australian mice plague evidence); bees harmed by pesticide use
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “T & P Lane” detailed in Bible Code
- Their Folly Will Be Manifest to All, Part 5 in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Technology advanced in Last Days according to Prophecy enabling communication between nations and coming from The House of Yahweh
- Questions answered by House of Yahweh using Scripture – Book of Yahweh not available until a set time in history
- Yahweh’s Name hidden but not lost – Dead Sea Scrolls evidence
- House of Yahweh receiving letters about what people from other nations learn from books, sermons, etc. – information they did not receive from their places of worship
- Scriptures say – Blessed are those who keep the Commandments, Yahweh’s Laws explain how to keep the Commandments
- Genesis 3:5 exposes Gods’ deception, world has gone according to it, becoming evil like the Gods
- Revelation 12:9 says whole world is deceived
- Citizens from other nations, who contact House of Yahweh, say they did not know the truth until they heard it from The House of Yahweh
- Genesis 1:26 Yahweh is raising/building a Family – a Family like Himself; the Laws impart that knowledge to Yahweh’s People (different forms of stealing used as example)
- One sin only leads to another sin – citing the coronavirus/variants as an example
- Psalm 8:1-6 Pastor discusses/explains this chapter
- Pastor encourages citizens from other nations to draw near to Yahweh, Yahweh’s House and the teachings from His House – offering them a part of Yahweh’s Family
- We have the capability of learning by our mistakes, determining never to repeat the same mistakes (sins/foolish decisions) again
- Revelation 20:4-6 shows what we are training for at this time – they who sat upon the thrones given judgment…