A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- Details on #26 (Today is Omer 26) includes: Father, rejoice, be glad; additional info on the Peace Treaty of 1993
- Question: “Why are you here?” To remain in The House of Yahweh is a choice; Yisrayl inspires us through the teachings
- Yahweh foretold events for these Last Days; Yahweh is the Creator, there is no other source of power
- Yahweh/Yahweh’s Sabbath detailed in numbers
- Pentecost is our opportunity to examine ourselves and strive for Righteousness; our choices should reflect the teaching we have received
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “The 7 Year Covenant” detailed in Bible Code
- The Original Sons of Yahweh, Part 19, “My Secret Council” in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Pastor asks everyone to consider what is most important – working for Yahweh or working for money, houses, cars, etc.
- Striving for wealth over Righteousness is a ploy of Satan and Catholic Church
- Learning Righteousness is about forever, striving for money is temporary
- Mark of Beast (1976) describes future destruction of New York City (island split in 3)
- Come let us reason together (Isayah 45:21-22); tell us what the future will bring – money will not last, only loyalty to Yahweh (100%) will last for eternity
- Seven-year plan foretold by Daniyl, explained/written about by Yisrayl in 1976, Prophecy fulfilled in 1993
- Pastor explains how the seven-year peace plan is cut in half with two 3½ years periods of time and he draws parallels to seven last plagues
- The vaccines do not help—they will only bring more stress/illness upon the human body; the vaccines will not stop the coronavirus and its variants
- Nuclear war/bombs are prophesied in several verses in The Book of Yahweh; these bombs can destroy the earth in one hour
- ‘Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh’; no one will be able to “sneak in”
- Committing sin (being evil like the Gods) will bring death – this is the Message from the beginning; Yahweh has allowed mankind to go his way, knowing His warning, for 6,000 years, that will end with 7 last plagues, one of which is nuclear war
- ‘Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers’ and ‘Come out from among them’
- Hollywood = Follywood and Pastor asks us to look up the meaning of ‘folly’
- Yahweh will receive those who ‘touch not the unclean’, therefore strive to be separate from unbelievers or those who are evil as the Gods
- News: sea water is being poisoned