A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
Verse: But he who endures until the end, the same will be saved (Mattithyah 24:13)
- Additional info on Quartet using PW Magazine, Pastor’s quotes, and numbers
- Yahshua/Yisrayl learned from their mothers, in the womb, (Scripture/numbers)
- Last 3½ years detailed, including 7 last plagues (Scripture/quotes/numbers)
- Yahshua qualified for His Office of High Priest/Passover Lamb (details/numbers given)
- Yahshua/Yahweh work with Yisrayl in this time period—proven in Scripture/numbers
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “One Hour Judgment” detailed in Bible Code
- The Original Sons of Yahweh, Part 14, “The End of Damascus” in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Pastor presented the Green Ears to mark the upcoming Feast
- Articles: 1.2 million views last Sabbath, Philippines, UK, chat groups are going well with questions/answers from Abel; Rome/Milan declared red zone due to rising number of infections
- Yahshua, Yisrayl, Abel all began their work of preaching at the age of 26
- Pastor rehearsed details on 7-year peace plan from the 90s and the work accomplished during the held-back time
- Seventh-Day Sabbath is Yahweh’s Sacred Sabbath and is Yahweh’s Protection from coronavirus; it marks us as those set apart for a Sacred Work
- The Tree of Life was taken away but is now offered again, because there is a High Priest over The House of Yahweh—Yahshua Messiah
- Yahweh told Cain there would be continual war and that is what we see throughout the world today
- Revelation 7:2-3 brings us to this time; Pastor stresses necessity to put away youthful lusts and to focus on promises from Yahweh in the soon-coming Kingdom
- Satan and her followers’ (her Gods’) prime objective is to destroy mankind; Yahweh protects His People from her attacks
- Genesis 4, 5, and 6 show how the wars defile minds; continual war, vengeance, and retaliation in the 4th part of the earth; beastly system built on continual war
- Only 8 people saved from first beastly system (2nd flood); Satan built second beastly system from there, bringing it up to today (let us be like the first beast)
- Pastor admonishes us to seek Yahweh for guidance in prayer; practice humility/get help
- First beast was formed, starting with Cain; Abraham (his sons had to go to Egypt) Yahseph had great abilities, and Pharaoh noticed this, and he gave authority to Yahseph; under Yahseph, Egypt gained land, wealth, power
- Pastor says to think about today—the soon-coming wars will attempt to take the land from the people; currently, food prices soaring, famine has started, governments hand out food—all part of second beast becoming like first beast
- Pastor also reminds us that many, many people “have not bowed the knee to Baal ”