A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
- Seek Yahweh at His House – to avoid being deceived; learn to convert to Yahweh’s Laws
- Yisrayl’s seed will finish Yahweh’s Work
- Know/understand what it means to be perfect, according to scripture; we are to become perfect, like our Father Yahweh is perfect
- Discussion on Yisrayl’s teaching regarding ‘pictures’ (Yisrayl helped us picture our lives in relation to Yahweh’s Work and His Kingdom)
- Discussion about the Feasts of Yahweh and the Sabbaths, emphasizing that Yahweh’s Laws are forever and will not change
- Yahweh’s Feasts and Sabbaths are the mark upon Yahweh’s people; these are those who will receive authority and the right to the Tree of Life
- Clean/unclean food is within the standard of Yahweh’s Laws to be observed forever
- We are told not to be wise in our own eyes; Satan’s trickery is to attempt to change Yahweh’s righteousness
- We are witnesses to what sin brings upon the world and mankind
- Articles presented on: gender identity, porcine heart transplants
A few Scriptures from today’s service: Mattithyah 5:19, 6:33; Deuteronomy 12:5; Leviticus 11:7-8, 18:23-26, 23:4, 21, 41; Revelation 22:14; Romans 1:21-22; Amosyah 3:11; Yahchanan 6:63; Isayah 5:20; Malakyah 3:6
Some of Yisrayl’s quotes presented today: 11th Book Part 2, 1:40-41; 19th Book, 27:45; 5th Book 3:13; 1st Book 22:57; 16th Book, 13:38-39, 69-72, 37:65
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins given on 9/11/99 – Being Thankful and Becoming Joyful
A few highlights from his sermon on that day:
- The unthankful and the unholy are condemned (it is written); it’s hard to rejoice before Yahweh if we focus on the misery fed to us by Satan in today’s world; remember that ‘rejoicing’ is a Law of Yahweh
- Humans have the capability to determine in their minds, to pay attention to what is brought in the sermons – then we can set our minds to follow through with this knowledge
- Yahweh’s Laws teach us to be peaceful (purpose of peace offering); parents are to teach their children how to be peaceful, with instruction and by example; the rod of instruction is the first choice for parents to take
- Yahweh writes the Laws in our hearts – this means that we have the desire for Yahweh’s Laws
- Abraham’s blessing given by Yahweh? The blessing is His Laws; The Covenant? Written in our hearts; Circumcision? Getting rid of sin; Abraham’s blessing is now taught to us, in The House of Yahweh, in these Last Days; if we obey, Yahweh will be our Father
- Yisrayl taught us to be thankful; think of tests as opportunity to grow to perfection; respect our authorities
- In these Last Days… we are thankful for the persecution, because it has been means of delivering the message of Yahweh
A few Scriptures from this sermon: Leviticus 7:11-12, 22:23, 29-32; Ephesians 5:20; I Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 95:2, 109:1-31; Deuteronomy 12:1-5; Revelation 21:26-27