A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Daughters of Yahweh
- Rehearsal of last week’s sermon clips, by Yisrayl, with corresponding numbers
- The word ‘instruction’ explained using numbers with detailed explanations
- Forty-year anniversary (2/4/23), with dates in history and the number 1074
- The Land of Yahweh rehearsed in dates/numbers/with explanations/quotes/scriptures
- Rehearsing Pastor’s teaching on running the race set before us and to stay in our place by putting others first
Sons of Yahweh
- “H.O.Y. – 40 Years” detailed in Bible Code
- “Humility Comes Before Honor” discussed in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins given on 3/26/2011
- Pastor detailed several articles that were current in 2011
- He spoke about mankind’s enemies, including the problems in the environment; this last generation will be the worst
- Historical facts: from the Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903 to destructive weaponry, throughout the earth, in the time known as the last generation; 1945 the first bombs dropped on Japan under Truman
- Yahshua Messiah is High Priest over The House of Yahweh and Pastor told us that He watches over this Work and our behaviour during these days
- He spoke about the earthquakes that would increase as prophesied by explaining the parable of the fig tree
- Pastor encouraged us to find our joy in Yahweh through study
- Juvenile delinquency explained
- Quartet brings forth the religion that leads the world into war
- Revelation Chapter 6 explained with events and other prophecies
Scriptures: Daniyl 12:4; Mattithyah 24:29, 32-33; Revelation 6:1-13; Amosyah 3:1,6-10; Genesis 49:1,10