A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Daughters of Yahweh
- Verses and explanations are given to explain delayed prophecy as test for us
- The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program is a tool to help us overcome
- Sermon by Yisrayl from 2007 discussed, focusing on testing of Yahweh’s people and the reproaches that came upon the Last Days’ Witness, Yisrayl
- ‘Yahweh has existed’ detailed in numbers; only Yahweh can foretell the future
Sons of Yahweh
- “The Great Deception” detailed in Bible Code
- “The Bait that Brings the Hook” discussed in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins given on 10/31/2020
A few highlights…
- Pastor reminded us that Yahweh will not interfere with what is going on in the world; not all people belong to Yahweh, rather they belong to Satan
- News articles: coronavirus deaths, gut microbiome will not provide cure for virus
- Yahweh says to keep His Sabbaths/learn His Laws, knowing His way is everlasting
- Yahshua teachings (2,000 years ago) detailed last plagues, ending with nuclear burning; Pastor looked for this Prophecy; it began to be fulfilled in 1948, they were taken from their land in 70 A.Y. and returned according to Yeremyah’s Prophecy, beginning in 1948
- Our work, throughout the week, includes getting ready to meet Yahweh on Sabbath/serve other people
- Yahweh’s Sabbaths are a mark upon us, so Satan knows who she can or cannot touch; only Yahweh can grant permission to do otherwise – example: Iyyob
Some Scriptures from this sermon: Romans 6:16; Mattithyah 6:33, 24:3,11-12, 22, 29, 33-34; Revelation 17, 18:1-5, 22:14-15; Yeremyah 1:1, 30:1-3, 12-15, 18, 21-24; Isayah 65:4, 66:22-24; Exodus 20:8-9, 31:13