A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Daughters of Yahweh
- Yisrayl gave us all we need to succeed—details given in numbers and quotes
- We are encouraged to desire ‘the things’ of Yahweh—Yisrayl set an example
- Details on the Sabbath/Yahweh’s Plan presented with quotes, scriptures, and numbers
- Satan’s false peace will bring destruction to mankind; began with Cain
- Numbers, scriptures, and quotes on topic of Kohanim
- Kingdom of Yahweh Checklist: Yahchanan Mark 12:29-31, Luke 10:25-27, I Yahchanan 3:17, II Samuyl 12:1-7, Leviticus 19:18, Hebrews 13:7,17, Yahchanan 13:33-35
Sons of Yahweh
- “13 Moons” detailed in Bible Code
- Yahweh Will Make a Short Work, Part 1, Destruction Determined in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Sermon given by Yisrayl Hawkins on 12/01/2018
A few highlights from that sermon
- Pastor reminds preachers, ‘The Truth’ would set them free; there’s time to repent/convert
- News articles: Russia/Crimea/oil distribution; Trump’s administration money slotted for Israel; Pope endorsements; Syrian chemical attack (alleged); Ukraine elections, China nuclear submarines; CDC confirms polio-like disease
- Confusion in the world is result of Nimrod system; only House of Yahweh is preparing for lasting peace
- Mattithyah 6:1, 22, 24—make tithes and donations in private, not to receive acknowledgment from others; details about the body of believers provided in detail
- Prophecies about rebuilding third temple as part of the Peaceful Solution
- Psalm 139:14: Pastor discusses this scripture, along with an article, about the crucial functions of the human liver; it is the hardest working organ in the body; Pastor tells us to compare the body of believers in relation to the universe—and the great work of Yahweh
- Remember—if the eye is evil, the whole body cannot function properly; if the eye is righteous, the whole body is filled with light
- He encourages us to strive for complete unity