A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Yah-matria
- Additional details on Peace Treaty and fulfilling of Prophecy
- Phrase“It is Written” explored/detailed
- We are taught by Yahweh through our Pastor, YisraylHawkins; like our forefather, the Prophet Samuyl, we are weaned from the ways of the world through righteous teaching
- Yisrayl, Yahshua and Yahweh are building/bringing forth Kingdom of Righteous Priests
- Way into the most holy (sacred) place is only through Last Days’ Witness – he teaches the way to conduct ourselves in The House of Yahweh
- Phrases “I Noah Man” “Exposing a sick, sick, sick system” “Show me your faith by your works” explored/detailed
Numbers today: 1122, 1133, 1121, 1129, 1134, 166, 165, 996, 998, 995, 1074, 322, 2005, 2022, 828, 217, 56, 179, 337, 188, 1613, 2022, 4199, 398, 2388, 3238
Scriptures today: Genesis 1:26; Isayah 11:3, 55:10-11,58:1; II Timothy 2:23; I Samuyl 1:1-2, 20, 22; I Samuyl 2:10, 18; Revelation 11:1; Mattithyah 10:23, 24:37; I Yahchanan 3:10-12; Romans 6:16; Psalm 50:21; Yaaqob 2:18
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code – Topic: Yahweh Shammah Reveals: Yahweh Shammah, atmosphere, Baobab Tree (tree of life), spacious, malakim, end of days, maintained (atmosphere), loving, snow-capped mountains, Laws of Yahweh, Yisrayl, family, farmer, fullness, Yaaqob – JG, for Yahweh, kingdom, mountain of Yahweh, rebuilding, voice of Yahweh
- Yah-matria – Topic: That World Order that was from the Beginning Numbers: 296, 1776, 1577, 3649, 3648, 2274, 2218, 2799, 4198, 1398, 2796, 234, 1404, 1376, 1404, 1463, 666, 3996, 8121, 4562, 4903, 2441, 2941, 2926, 114, 684, 1369, 148, 888, 1389, 1375, 2778, 4850, 979, 5874, 6752, 6751, 7315, 929
Scriptures: I Samuyl 8:8, Acts 7:38, Yahchanan 14:30
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
- Deuteronomy 7:15 authoritative sources reveal – Yahweh’s people will be spared the deadly diseases in world; world refused Yahweh’s Laws of health
- Nathanyah, Yahnathan, are examples to show the word Yah-matria is acceptable
- Yisrayl’s name, Buffalo Bill was changed to Yisrayl Abel Hawkins and numbers show 10, 300, 200, 1, 10, 30 and others added up to 1320 and reveals: to gladden, to bring glad tidings, inform glad news, assured salvation, I have forgiven you, (every meaning is positive/no negativity) – therefore, we continue to reverence Yahweh by keeping His Laws
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 7:15
In the News – Kohan Yliyah
- US planning to get economy back on track while country suffering under nationwide riots/protests (attack on civil society) following racial murder in Minnesota; plans underway to control Minnesota unrest with US military
- Details on coronavirus 5 month prophecy – 2/21, 3/21, 4/21, 5/21, 6/21 (Borders to US scheduled to open 6/22)
- Sanctions upon China’s leaders potentially underway; US no longer supporting WHO
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with sentiments for President Trump who faces unsolvable problems at this time.
- In the news: US should be ready for 18 months of shutdowns and difficulties ahead
- Curses today are becoming unbearable as they were for Cain in the beginning (cursed from the earth)
- Yahweh says if people would follow/obey Him, He would take all sickness away from them
- Noah’s descendants started up same godworship/rebellion as days of Cain – refused Yahweh’s Way in order to develop means of overpowering others
- Approximately 2 years remain of last 3½ years with nuclear wars near the end
- The Book of Yahweh explains finishing touches for last generation – will be history used as example/means of teaching future generations
- Remember the Sabbaths, as a sign upon us that we belong to Yahweh, mark of Cain is throughout the earth at this time (sickness, disease, wars, fighting, etc.)
- There will be few men left – 2 billion (seems like a lot of people but considering world population at this time, mankind will be spread far apart to fulfill prophecy which says few men left)
- At one time, a man and his family had time to relax, read the bible, and hold discussions – not so today
- Yahshua, in Mattithyah 4:4, spoke about what is written
- We have before us 6,000 years of growth in the ways of Cain – there are few answers for solutions to all the problems that face Trump and other world leaders
- Deuteronomy records blessings and curses – curses of following the ways of Cain (Roman Catholic godworship admits they are not seeking Laws of Yahweh – they seek power through force as depicted in movies, etc.)
- Mankind relies on hospitals, police force, etc. to solve the problems but they are not able because they are vulnerable to the same problems as the population
- We are at place Yahshua spoke of – soon, those who remain alive, will be taught by The House of Yahweh
- Revelation written 96 AY – Book of Revelation speaks of deception; the deception began in days of Cain
Scriptures: Samuyl 7, Genesis 4, Revelation 12:9