A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Today – The Kohans
The Great Kohan Qoheleth
Language of Yahweh is Language of Life/Law – it’s here a little/there a little study of Holy Scriptures
Developing True Love is overcoming carnality in pursuit of knowledge – we allow teachings to bring us to Perfection (keeping Yahweh’s Laws)
Focus on rejoicing in Laws of Yahweh – requires patience, kindness, endurance, etc.
We pray for our brothers and sisters, allowing Yahweh to work within each of us
Everything we go through (tests/trials) helps establish us as guards of Yahweh’s Word; we have the ability to overcome – it is our choice to remain in the Faith (HOY)
If we reject the teachings, it is because we are not attentive to Yahweh in our lives and ignore the opportunity Yahweh has given us to become “like” Him
The Covenant Agreement that Yahweh makes is for us to obey His Voice and become His People
Yahshua represents the Way of Yahweh – as does Yisrayl – he is the light to all nations in this generation
Scriptures: I Corinthians 13:1-8; Yeremyah 2:13, 7:21-24; II Kepha 1:5-10; Deuteronomy 30 with G7 side note; Yahchanan 1:1-5, 8:43, 14:4; Romans 1:16; Psalm 50:5-12; Hebrews 5:12-14
The Great Kohan Yahshua H.
Seek The House of Yahweh first – observe, comply, follow instruction; in Yahweh’s House the Laws are taught diligently; we are children before Yahweh, subject to be taught and to teach what we learn
The Seven Lamp Lampstand is a permanent fixture before Yahweh (represents His Plan); it is the Seven Eras of The House of Yahweh – the purpose is to build us into Yahweh’s Teachers of Righteousness, capable of maintaining Yahweh’s Creation exactly as Yahweh created it to be
Before this time period there was no Salvation offered to the world (Zecharyah 8:10); Praise Yahweh for the re-established House of Yahweh
Kingdom of Yahweh includes kingdoms of microorganisms; Righteous servants will direct their work
We are taught the Wisdom of Yahweh and understanding in order to be able to teach others
Yahweh’s Creation is not only for us to look at/marvel over but to attain the purpose of our calling –maintain all life as Yahweh created
Today we have the opportunity to marvel over Yahweh’s Sacred Calendar, which is based on Yahweh’s Creation – the sighting of the moons; the Gregorian calendar is based on sun worship in total contradiction to Yahweh’s Laws/Commands – in this Yahweh’s People Rejoice!
Since the beginning, Yahweh has controlled time because it was/is set by Yahweh eternally – the sun, moon, stars; man’s way requires constant change/adjustments
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:1, 7; Malakyah 4:5-6; Daniyl 12:3; Iyyob; Luke 1:11-17; Zecharyah 4:12-14, 8:9-12; Genesis 1:3-12, 26-27; Psalm 8:1-9, 104:19; Isayah 24:1-6, 40:22, 66:17-22; Colossians 2:16-17
The Great Kohan Malakyah
Yahweh examines us closely – He knows us thoroughly for in the Creation process He established us in order that we would have the ability to choose to become His Holy Priesthood by overcoming sin
We bless our forefather Abraham by having the same desire to live in Righteousness as Abraham lived
Yahshua made distinction between Abraham’s children and his descendants; in order to be Abraham’s seed (children) we must obey the Voice of Yahweh – in these Last Days that is Yisrayl Hawkins
Seed is #2233, 2232 – meaning distribution of information, Yahchanan 6:44 supports this – Abraham’s seed are called by Yahweh and given opportunity to obey the Voice of Yahweh
Abraham’s genes, in us, can be activated upon our calling/submission to the teachings in Yahweh’s House
Pastor taught on planned genealogy – he explained DNA in lay terms for us to understand Yahweh’s calling and recognize the inherent quality of genes (receptors) to change by practicing the Laws of Yahweh; Yahweh’s People hear the Voice of Yahweh through Yahshua (My Sheep hear My Voice)
Today, Yisrayl is the signal we hear to begin the process of “switching on” the genes of Abraham in order to make the distinction between becoming his (Abraham’s) seed or simply his descendants
Scriptures: Psalm 139:1, 13-16; I Kepha 2:9-10; Genesis 12:1-3, 18:17-19, 22:18; Yahchanan 8:37-39, 10:27; Isayah 44:2-3; Deuteronomy 22:5
The Great Kohan Kenath
In preparation of Feast of Pentecost the Kohan reminds us there are only 30 days remaining
Our desire is for Righteous Gifts from Yahweh – that we present ourselves as Yahweh’s first fruits
In order to be perfect as Yahweh is Perfect, we are to be in Unity with Yahweh, His Laws, and Yisrayl
We are included in the Plan of Yahweh when we accept the teachings of Yisrayl because we have heard the Truth – the Message of Salvation
We must continually be on guard for ourselves and maintain the ability to assist in guarding others
Because we know the Prophecies, the end day destruction will not come upon us as a thief in the night; knowing this, we continue to do what is required, ready to help others – this is holy conduct in The House of Yahweh
When we see what the world does that guarantees they will NOT inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh, our resolve is strengthened to avoid all unrighteousness/God worship
On our connection with Yahweh – we are before the Universe as an example of overcoming sin and not losing our connection with Yahweh in spite of trials we all face
Scriptures: Yaaqob 1:17-18; Ephesians 1:11; Acts 20:28-32; II Kepha 3:10-13; I Corinthians 6:9-10; Psalm 91:1-8; Isayah 59:15-16, 19-21