A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Female Scholars Expound from Yah-matria
- Yahweh commissions the Two Witnesses to fulfill their prophetic offices
- yahwehsbranch.com is great reference site to understand plagues/Yahweh’s judgment upon those who reject Yahweh’s Laws/Words
- Mark of the Beast Volumes I and II, and The Nuclear Baby are books to help us see Prophecies coming to pass at this time
- “Prove” is to establish by evidence, to show to be true, demonstrate – our tests/trials help us achieve goal of becoming like Yahweh/prove reverence of Yahweh is with us
- Samuyl was an established Prophet/Judge of Yahweh; connections made between Yisrayl, Yahshua
- Training to become Righteous teachers expounded through Yisrayl’s teachings, Scriptures and supporting numbers; Yisrayl teaches Yahweh’s Laws and corrects according to the Word of Yahweh; Yahweh has inspired Yisrayl over the years – leading him to become the greatest teacher in the world
- Examine ourselves: are we increasing in Righteousness, do we invest our lives in The House of Yahweh, striving to be in unity with one another, do we think according to Yahweh’s Laws, do we stay in our place, are we valuable in the Work of Yahweh – remember we are invested in Love (Yahweh’s Laws)
- It is written – the whole world is deceived, The House of Yahweh is established
Numbers today: 1074, 2022, 828, 322, 713, 5547, 5548, 5530, 4968, 2973, 7971, 5545, 1986, 2020, 2130, 179
Scriptures today: Revelation 2:17, 11:3, 12:9, 16:1-2, 22:16; Isayah 11:2-3, 34:16, 45:1; Deuteronomy 12:8, 30:15-18; I Samuyl 3:19-21, 7:3-4, 15-17; Zephanyah 3:9; Malakyah 4:5; Daniyl 9:26-27; I Kepha 3:4
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code – Topic: The Two Trees Reveals: Tree of Life, House of Yahweh, house of God, Abel, Cain, destruction, amazing, arrogance, astounding, atomic, authorized, babble, malakim, Adolph, Yisrayl, Yahdah, Yahshua, fierceness, righteous, Catholic, love, true love, pure evil, morals, threatening, peace, 666, 7, mark of the beast, 1074, hog, HOY
- Yah-matria – Topic: There Were Tyrants on the Earth, Part 1 Numbers: 1782, 1776, 1782, 930, 929, 1859, 1346, 1404, 234, 2142, 2266, 2274, 1359, 3625, 1782, 7413, 7311, 166, 7707, 7714, 1356, 226, 4560, 4199, 322, 1491, 1468, 1491, 2434, 2535, 1869, 1356
Scriptures: Genesis 2:9, 4:15; I Timothy 4:1; I Samuyl 7:7-8, 8:4, 22; Yahchanan 2:15-16; Mattithyah 24:34; I Yahchanan 5:4
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
- Mattithyah 10:42 reveals: to give something to someone to bring the truth, the sanctification of the Sabbath Day, dear, calm, considerate, persevering, the Name Yahweh
Scriptures: Mattithyah 10:42, I Timothy 3:15
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- Strength of US dollar challenged by China/Russia under US pressure
- Israel peace treaty/UN interference
- Coronavirus – TX Governor saying bars should have been opened much slower; statistics presented from White House briefing
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with recap on news events, which Pastor says will lead the world, eventually, to complete Righteousness.
- Pastor read highlights of letter about achievements of the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program; reviewed presentation of the program to the White House; on 6/24/2020, email expresses thanks for certification in program
- Pastor reviewed elements of his life that have influenced him toward a life of teaching Yahweh’s Laws; he also supports/encourages Yahweh’s people for their dedicated service to Yahweh
- Details of Yahshua’s life shows He suffered for teaching Righteousness
- The House of Yahweh is not racist in both actions/teachings
- Source of problems – historically, the sin of trespassing has brought hatred over the years; Europe was plagued with persecution which led many to flee to America (including Pastor’s ancestors)
- The Catholic Church means “divining serpent”