A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation – Living in the days of the last seven prophesied plagues
- Life is made of many phases – important to be aware of our thoughts/feelings; each phase is a stage of overcoming – having patience with ourselves/others will help
- Yahweh will give mankind authority to “give life” – we are training at this time
- ‘Living’ definition: having life, flowing freely as water, means of maintaining life
- The plagues were prophesied years before they occur; Yahweh will protect His people
- We are living at a time when sin has reached its peak – a prophesied time that will exceed the children of Israyl coming out of Egypt
- Last 7 plagues will ultimately save life with revealing sons/daughters of Yahweh at appointed time
- We see Isayah 24:1-6 occurring right before our eyes – the result of a 6,000 year buildup of sin
- Our job – to bring in everlasting Righteousness
- Air, water, food, shelter – important for survival; we need to focus on our spiritual life as well – for spiritual survival 1) self-control 2) trust 3) patience 4) obedience
- Daniyl’s Prophecy shows last 3½ years will be worst time ever – 7 last plagues will culminate in nuclear destruction; Yahweh’s House prophesied to give warning to all nations; salvation is offered from House of Yahweh
- Blessed is man/woman who puts trust in Yahweh – Yahweh’s people do this; Prophecy is for believers
- Look forward to Yahweh’s Plan, being part of it, gives us hope/opportunity to rejoice
- Economic difficulties have resulted due to covid-19; discrimination/racism – frustration has increased leading to job loss, looting, violence
- Laws of Yahweh are perfect, bring peace – visualize ourselves attaining the goal in spite of our weaknesses, doubts, etc.; consider that Satan plants seeds of doubts but we do not forget that Yahweh is our Father – He is all-powerful, therefore do not lose hope, Yahweh can do a work within each person He calls to His House
- Words in recent news: revolution, deadly, angry chaos, hanging by a thread, unrest, extraordinaire times; during these extraordinary times, Yahweh’s people must put great effort into overcoming – we have to force ourselves – write down overcoming plan, prepare for difficult days (to provide for physical needs)
- Teach children Prophecies – they can learn/understand, do not underestimate their capabilities
- Strive to be wise and not among the ‘’silly women’’ – be ready for Righteous work
- Yeremyah 23:27 – consider the meaning, power/authority of Yahweh’s Name; His Name is Yahweh the Mighty One, the One who reigns forever, His Glory is set throughout the Universe
Scriptures: I Timothy 3:15; I Kepha 1:3, I Yahchanan 5:3, Mattithyah 5:9; 25; Deuteronomy 12:5, 28:1-13; Genesis 1:26, 2:17, 3:5-6; Daniyl 12:3; Romans 12:11-12; I Thessalonians 5:12; Revelation 20:9, 22:14; Isayah 26:2; Yahchanan 8:32; Psalms 28:18; Ephesians 4:18-19; I Corinthians 15:33-34; Acts 27; Colossians 3:23; I Kings 17:9-16; Titus 3:1-5; Yeremyah 23:27; I Samuyl 8:4
Numbers: 2252, 1542, 1540, 257, 1290, 1288, 322, 2522, 2596, 2250, 1932, 1933, 364