A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Yah-matria
- Details on Yechetzqyah’s Prophecy: rebuilding Temple (dates of patent)/peace treaty
- Confusion through sin/brings sickness, hatred, wars (nuclear)
- We are Yisrayl’s seed – in training (future teachers, understanding Prophecy, humility, ongoing study); women’s role detailed
- Genesis through Revelation – see purpose of Yahweh’s Work (warn nations, finish Yahweh’s Kingdom)
- Mustard seed – rehearsing Yahshua’s parable from Scripture/Yisrayl’s teaching
- The way into the most sacred place – dates, Two Witnesses, Yisrayl’s pen (history of ball point pen – patent 1934)
- Called to one body – be thankful (come out of world, be in unity with Yahweh, free from deception, be humble/teachable, accept correction)
Numbers today: 31, 32, 71, 1195, 1196, 1199, 7170, 7171, 7129, 1594, 1085, 322, 1074, 2022, 828, 1408, 3677, 3162, 527, 837, 2563, 1818, 3478
Scriptures today: Hebrews 10:24-25; Daniyl 12:4; Mattithyah 13:31-32, 24:7, 29; Revelation 18:1; Isayah 44:3-4; Acts 2:18, 19-21; Exodus 17:2; Colossians 3:15; Micahyah 4:1
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code – Topic: Seventh Malak Reveals: Daniyl, 1991-1992, Abel, garden of Eden, Yisrayl, Yahshua, habitation, Hale-Bopp, lamplight, not alone, prophetic, tithing, PSCEP, war in heaven, city, 1074, 1934, Hakahan, Otis, Maggie, Okie, wonderful branch
- Yah-matria – Topic: Little Horn is Watching You Numbers: 51120, 116, 954, 1176, 203, 1218, 975, 974, 666, 491, 2946, 4110, 1984, 870, 871, 5220, 5287, 5286, 234, 1404, 1376, 1396, 1684, 2076, 1190, 33, 1176, 1314, 1284, 7451, 2769, 996, 1782, 1722, 1865, 1776, 1092, 1054, 589, 3534, 4414
Scriptures: Revelation 3:7, 10:7; Daniyl 7:6-7, 8; Luke 4:10
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- Potatoes rotting – hurting farming industry; meat shortages – processing plants shutdown; unemployment numbers
- South China Sea tension/US pulling out missile systems from Saudi Arabia
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began by complimenting Governor Abbott’s efforts in time of covid-19 pandemic.
Highlights today…
- Yahweh foretells the plagues – when they’ll start/what they’ll do; Yahweh is not responsible/He did warn what would occur if mankind rejected His Laws; however, Yahweh will cut it short in Last Days or the earth would be totally destroyed
- House arrest (quarantine) is hard part of this first plague – people want freedom to move about
- Not all world leaders are trying to help people during this “horrible prophesied time”
- Bondage; what will set you
rfree? Yahshua said, the Truth will set you free (Yahchanan 8:32) - There will not be many left after the Last Seven Plagues spoken of in Revelation 16
- Coptic Catholic was the leading religion of 12 tribes – Mosheh tried to lead them out of bondage – he offered them land flowing with milk and honey – they rejected the teaching aspect; the Coptic Catholics were/are god worshippers, they do not get their power from Yahweh
- System of schooling (established by Cush) is a rebellion against Yahweh – the idea was introduced by Satan in Genesis Chapter 3:5 (obtain knowledge like the Gods/you won’t die)
- Forefathers had opportunity to repent, as we see in Yahchanan 8:12-13 (they could have been taught by Yahshua); they rejected Him saying He did not have authority; they claimed to be Abraham’s descendants and not in bondage at all (vs 33); Yahshua, in essence, told them He was “The Tree of Life” (truth would set them free from their sins); sins lead to plagues foretold for Last Days
- Pastor addresses people who, don’t want/accept the “milk and honey (teaching),” he said we should offer them a truck to entice them to the message (LOL) then they could listen from their free truck
- Mankind (Adam) is a created being; he belongs to Yahweh – therefore mankind belongs to Yahweh
- Mankind must receive authority to do work of Yahweh (Adam – named animals, Yahshua – High Priest)
- Authority is increase – we will receive this increase if we do not follow/obey the Gods
- World is in bondage at this time (either quarantine, or watching food supplies diminish) which causes anguish, pain, fear as first plague states; this is judgment mankind has brought upon themselves (Satan’s crown – coronavirus); sin brings anguish, pain, fear, confusion
- “It is written”– Yahchanan 8:28 Yahshua says He will do nothing on His own (He follows the authority that Yahweh gave Him in His Laws) – we know this because “It is written”
- The Truth is the Law (Psalm 119:142) – it is the only thing that will make mankind “free” of the bondage of sin
Scriptures: Isayah 24:1-6, 34:16