A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
The Great Deacons
- It is our responsibility to ground ourselves in the teachings of The House of Yahweh; we must keep our appointments with Yahweh/attend Sabbath gatherings at Abel, if possible
- Many attempt to justify reasons for leaving Yahweh/His House – the fact remains, there are no excuses (we know, from Scripture, there will be many trials to endure)
- We have the Peaceful Solution to help us achieve peace of mind – consider Satan wants to rob us of our peace of mind
- Yahweh is building His Family at this time – this is our opportunity to qualify; we have to become “the best” in Righteousness
- In all we do – acknowledge Yahweh by departing from iniquity (lawlessness, not subject to Yahweh’s Laws)
- Follow Yahshua’s example: Put Yahweh first in our lives – every decision; continue to do Yahweh’s Will regardless of circumstances (mindset/actions)
- Put forth effort – become of one mind with believers, in obedience to Yahweh’s Laws, and be thankful
- Be quick to forgive, show mercy, do not be quick to condemn others; examine ourselves/draw closer to Yahweh; put on humility – be true friends
- Root of bitterness can ruin all our previous efforts
Scriptures: Psalms 16:8, 119:114; Romans 8:35; Genesis 1:26; Proverbs 3:6, 22:29; Ephesians 5:15, 17; Galatians 5:17; Amosyah 3:11; Acts 7:2-4; Mattithyah 6:33, 16:24-27, 18:10-14, 21-31, 21:28-31, 26:38-39, 42-44; I Kepha 3:8-12; Philippians 2:3-5, 7-8; Isayah 42:3, 60:22; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
The Great Kohan Shaul
- We are Yahweh’s finishing work – nothing compares; focus on what is written – it is our contract with Yahweh
- First Passover in Exodus 12:3 – think of Yahweh, one Lamb for His House; Exodus 12:12-13 – showing Yahweh’s power; compare with Exodus 14:30-31; how much more should we be obedient, we have seen much more in this time period
- Yeremyah 23:3-5, 7-8 – regardless of “feelings” realize we are not lacking in having what we need to make it into Yahweh’s Kingdom; soon Yahweh’s remnant will be known and spoken of for all eternity
- Passover: Pastor has been explaining, it will provide protection during worst time of man’s history (nuclear burning)
- I Corinthians 11:23, 25, 31 – renewing Covenant (not new one but bringing back original); we are commanded to partake but not unworthily; therefore examine ourselves with repentance; do not be condemned with the world (either nuclear burning and/or second death)
- Obey our High Priest, Yahshua, Who is in complete unity with Yahweh; Yisrayl also in unity with Yahweh
- Revelation 8:13, 9:12, 11:14, and 12:12 – mankind brings woes upon themselves – they would not follow teachings/went their own way
- We have a short time to get right with Yahweh; the effects of Covid-19 is just the beginning, it will get worse to the point of nuclear burning
- Zecharyah 14:12 shows effects of nuclear burning
- Mattithyah 24:15, Daniyl 9:27 – speaking of last 3½ years – no more gaps
- Mattithyah 24:16, 19; II Kepha 3:15 woe – great sorrow, weeping; therefore follow Yahshua’s directive, get to Yahweh’s Feasts/Yahweh’s House
- I Corinthians 7:25 – we have Yisrayl (he is worthy of our trust) who follows Yahshua’s directive in these last 3½ years (Deuteronomy 17:9-11)
- In this time period, The House of Yahweh is following Yahshua’s instruction – asking us to refrain from marriage, rather focus on Revelation 19:7 – make ourselves ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb; How to get ready? I Corinthians 7:32-35 understand this is for our benefit, get rid of all distractions; I Timothy 3:15, learn the right/proper way to conduct ourselves, work on our own problems/get right with Yahweh, work on overcoming – get rid of every wrinkle/spot
- Exodus 19:5-6 the last era will be first in Kingdom (a Kingdom of Priests)
- I Timothy 4:13-16 – heed these instructions; II Timothy 4:10 – do not set our love upon the present world
- Put Yahweh’s Work first – Genesis 18:19 is example
- Hebrews 12:1, Deuteronomy 8:2 – Yahweh tests/proves us in order to humble us/He wants to know what is in our heart (selfish desires or Yahweh’s Will?); earthly desires can be “the weight” that prevents us from reaching the end of the race set before us
- Hebrews 12:2 – Yahshua let Yahweh’s Plan lead Him
- Luke 12:32, Psalm 16:8-11 Yahweh is all about family, marriage, children, however we are in a time that requires our full attention/focus – we have Yahweh’s protection if we repent/convert; remember this is the last 3½ years – in Yahweh’s presence is full joy (goal before us)
- Yahchanan 14:2-3 – Yahshua prepares our offices, but He also must prepare us for positions; we have Yisrayl to guide/teach us; we are to submit ourselves to our Righteous authorities in Yahweh’s House – therefore, submission, repentance, conversion keeps us in Yahweh’s Presence with Yahshua’s blood on us for dark days ahead; we praise Yahweh for His Passover
- Ephesians 5:31-33, Genesis 2:24 – first we must be in unity with Yahweh
- Proverbs 5:11-14 – consider that Yahweh/Yahshua/Yisrayl are attempting to save us from the woes
Some additional verses: II Timothy 2:22, I Kepha 4:1-2