A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Yah-matria
- Two Witnesses chosen by Yahweh for this time period; they foretell Yahweh’s Judgment
- Details on locusts/careless weed (from amaranth plant)
- Yahweh establishes His Name at the Place He chooses – will find true manna at His House
- Believe in Yahweh as only source of power in the universe; believe defined/expounded upon; trusting Yahweh is most important aspect when tested/tried – they will be saved
- We know that Yahweh will protect us because we keep His Laws
- Yisrayl is inspired by Yahweh – Yisrayl explains in his teachings; believing in Yahweh is accounted to us as Righteousness
Numbers today: 396, 398, 2376, 3717, 2372, 2376, 2374, 2861, 2859, 378, 2268, 2267, 2260, 2268, 3470, 3123, 828, 322, 828, 2334, 2333, 2332, 2971, 2215, 948, 1074, 138, 2968, 982, 5488, 7/4/2020 without zeros 7422, 5489, 2022
Scriptures today: Revelation 2:17, 3:8, 9:3-4, 11:3, 16:1-2; Zecharyah 4:6; Mattithyah 4:4, 6:26, 30; Genesis 3:1-5; Deuteronomy 8:3, 12:5; II Kings 23:34; Psalm 34, 19:7, 119:105, 131; Hebrews 1:1-3; Yahnah 2:5; Micahyah 4:1-3
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code – Topic: The Blessings of Yahweh Reveals: the blessings of Yahweh, Abraham, chosen people, authority, power, Abilene, Yisrayl, glory, guidance, hope, humility, Hawkins, understanding, unity/perfection, wisdom/knowledge, Yahsome, Yahweh’s Mark, Yahweh’s Work, holiness, learning, order, peace, praise, redeemer, subconscious mind, greens, counselors, home, family, unity, perfection
- Yah-matria – Topic: Incubator of Anger Part 2 Numbers: 7014, 7013, 6969, 7420, 1782, 1284, 7451, 1302, 666, 1776, 2206, 2124, 76, 2400, 1185, 7991, 4513, 4516, 4517, 2707, 2124, 1668, 1260, 322, 2796, 2266, 5032, 2088, 1044, 1668, 1670
Scriptures: Psalm 118:26, Deuteronomy 12:5, Genesis 6:4, Yahdah 1:11, I Yahchanan 4:3, Revelation 16:2
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
- Leviticus 19:18 discussed with suggested change to the English word “love” we should rather say Hebrew word ahab
Scriptures: Leviticus 19:18
In the News – Kohan Yliyah
- Venezuela/Iran doing business; US to sue Iran over oil deal with Venezuela
- Peace treaty ongoing; UN directing Israel
- Covid-19 continues to spread especially in bars, beaches
- Masks mandatory in Abilene/throughout TX – first warning, next time $250 fine
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with local news events at the time he first moved to Abilene. Pastor rehearses some history of The House of Yahweh. Pastor’s acquaintances gave House of Yahweh warnings over the years.
- He instructs members to rid themselves of all forms of guns; loyalty of members acknowledged
- Details about positive characteristics of the grasshopper/careless weed explained; they are beneficial
- Heaven/Earth making decision on this day regarding our use of grasshopper/careless weed (choosing life/death); Yahweh’s people are on trial – this is important because mankind will receive authority to heal the land, stop war, etc.
- Yahweh’s daughters will establish The House of Yahweh today (they will feed countries in days of last plagues); our decisions are presented before Heaven/Earth today
- Men will not become Righteous without a woman.
- Yisrayl says… “Do not fear” as Mosheh did in his day
- How do you learn knowledge – experimenting seems best method but this is Satan’s deception (Satan taught Eve this lie); original sin was simple, Eve was gullible to it – she gave in to the deception believing it was the best way
- Yahweh tests/proves us for His Kingdom; we must be without any spot/wrinkle to qualify
- Yahweh’s people teach the heavens by the reverence they show Yahweh
- Trial is underway at this time – the work we’ve done is before courts on this day; we must choose if we accept Yahweh, His Laws, Yahshua
- Yahweh says honor His Son, Yahshua; we give Yahshua power over us when we honor our Father Yahweh; we must choose to establish our Leader, Yahshua Messiah (This can only occur in this generation at the time of the established House of Yahweh)
- Pastor wants Yahweh’s people to refer to Yahshua Messiah as Ruler under Yahweh – Yahshua Messiah most Honorable King, Leader, Judge, Ruler (Refer to Yahshua with His rightful positions)
Scriptures: Exodus 20:20, Deuteronomy 30:19, Yahchanan 5:23