A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Omer 50 – The Day of Pentecost 2020
The Great Kohan Yisrayl Hawkins – the Last Days’ Witness/Overseer of The House of Yahweh
Believe What is Written – it is all written down for us in history – the only authority we have, at this time, is to learn (not by experience) but by what is written!
Highlights …
- Pastor begins by stating we are still within the first plague
- He also admonishes people to secure clean water for themselves – in anticipation of future plagues along with methods of conserving/using limited amounts of water
- We must believe what is written – otherwise how can anyone believe in Yahshua, the prophets, etc.
- Scientific facts are available on clean/unclean foods – we do not have to eat what is known to be harmful; simply believe what is written in Yahweh’s Law or believe the science for those who want proof – no need to experiment when believing, the facts are readily available
- Pentecost is smallest Feast but throughout 6,000 years of history it has brought unity to Yahweh’s People; study unity to appreciate its value and consider how “two can walk together if they are in agreement”
- Several years ago The House of Yahweh gave warning to the nations but they did not heed the warnings and today the plagues are upon them – including the problems associated with consuming unclean foods
- In the news: violence erupting in Minnesota over death of one man by police; looting, fires, shootings, etc.; some believe the only way to stop the problems in Minnesota is by force, but this does not solve anything; racism has not diminished in spite of great efforts over the years
- Pentecost means unity with Yahweh; we must think along these lines – “Nothing is going to stop me from becoming in unity with Yahweh”
- Furthermore: When difficulties arise – “Stand behind me Satan”
- Psalm 118:26 – we are blessed with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding
- Yahweh is perfect – only reason not to seek Yahweh is because of hatred for His Laws; if we strive to be in unity with Yahweh we can also come into unity with one another
- Unity with Yahweh is almighty – there is power to teach/turn people from wars
- Atonement/Unity = Pentecost – found at The House of Yahweh; peace with Yahweh and no war
- The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program works – written and taught
- Yahshua born/lived without sin; his death was horrible but He willingly did this in obedience to Yahweh – he suffered/died but He taught about the evil system that would come after His death; it would destroy Yerusalem (not one stone left upon another) and move to Rome
- Today: The House of Yahweh is preached/published throughout the world – as the days of Noah so will be the coming of the Son of Man (all the work of Yahweh has not been in vain)
- Pastor details the structure/qualities of the ark built by Noah – the facts prove it was an actual event and proves the Truth of Yahweh (Noah – withstood ridicule and the parallels compare to our time)
- Blessed is he who comes in the Name Yahweh – Praise Yahweh for Yisrayl and The Great House of Yahweh
Scriptures: Mattithyah 23:39, 24:7