12-2020 Newsletter
Without the Seventh Day Sabbaths at Yahweh’s House, and Righteousness being taught, the people started practicing the traditions of man and evil, like the Gods.
Without the Seventh Day Sabbaths at Yahweh’s House, and Righteousness being taught, the people started practicing the traditions of man and evil, like the Gods.
It's Yahweh's Judgment that the sins of the whole world, will bring seven plagues that will result in destruction in the last 3-1/2 years...
Many books have been written about what planetary science has done since Yahweh’s Prophecy concerning the Great Plan of Yahweh for mankind. Know this, Yahweh has offered to share what we see as the Great Wisdom of fulfilled Prophecy. - Read our Newsletter for more...
Inside the body, the coronavirus is even more sinister than scientists had realized Sinister? Yes! It was caused by mankind rejecting the very Laws that could have guided mankind away from the coronavirus. Now 6,000 years old, the coronavirus has reached its peak.
Yahshua Messiah quoted that Law to a group. Notice to whom Yahshua was speaking and how long that religious system had been in operation.MATTITHYAH 23:35 So that upon you will come all the Righteous blood shed upon the whole earth, from the blood of Righteous Abel to the blood of Zecharyah, the son [...]
You must read the blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-14) that are promised to mankind. They’re part of the Salvation everyone will receive who survives, at the Protected Place, the great burning that will take place in this present, prophesied generation.
Yahshua is the True Hebrew Name of the Savior. Call, write or email us for information on this topic.
Remember Leviticus 23:2, Yahweh’s Feasts are Yahweh’s Shadow from things to come.Colossians 2:16-17 –Feast, a shadow from things to come.Psalm 91:1 – Yahweh’s Shadow from things to come.Psalm 91:10 – notice the word evil. Remember Genesis 3:5, evil as the Gods.The evil serpent and Gods will not be allowed to come near you.The [...]
YAHWEH’S PLAN SHOWN IN SEVEN WORKS Be assured that Yahweh prophesied of Seven Works that He would do in the 6,000 years allotted to Satan and mankind. Five of those Works were completed by Yahweh’s Prophets, Yahshua Messiah and His Disciples. The two Works left to be completed are the prophesied Works [...]