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So far KM has created 200 blog entries.

08-2020 Newsletter

Yahshua Messiah quoted that Law to a group. Notice to whom Yahshua was speaking and how long that religious system had been in operation.MATTITHYAH 23:35 So that upon you will come all the Righteous blood shed upon the whole earth, from the blood of Righteous Abel to the blood of Zecharyah, the son [...]

08-2020 Newsletter2020-07-30T16:52:09-04:00

03-2020 Newsletter

Remember Leviticus 23:2, Yahweh’s Feasts are Yahweh’s Shadow from things to come.Colossians 2:16-17 –Feast, a shadow from things to come.Psalm 91:1 – Yahweh’s Shadow from things to come.Psalm 91:10 – notice the word evil. Remember Genesis 3:5, evil as the Gods.The evil serpent and Gods will not be allowed to come near you.The [...]

03-2020 Newsletter2020-03-01T11:32:56-05:00

03-2020 Prophetic Word

We are shown throughout the Sacred Scriptures that sin is the cause of sickness, disease, confusion, anger, hatred, fighting, and war. Sin has caused each of the previously mentioned afflictions to increase year after year—for 6,000 years—to this present, prophesied generation. However, sin and sinners are in for a prophesied drastic change [...]

03-2020 Prophetic Word2020-03-01T09:49:19-05:00

02-2020 Newsletter

YAHWEH’S PLAN SHOWN IN SEVEN WORKS Be assured that Yahweh prophesied of Seven Works that He would do in the 6,000 years allotted to Satan and mankind. Five of those Works were completed by Yahweh’s Prophets, Yahshua Messiah and His Disciples. The two Works left to be completed are the prophesied Works [...]

02-2020 Newsletter2020-02-03T13:10:32-05:00

09-2019 Prophetic Word

AND NOW IRAN? U.S. warning Americans to PREP FOR WAR And Now Iran?........................................................2 HOY Publication Order Form.................................7 Weekly Sermons.....................................................8 U.S. Warning Americans To Prepare For War.....17 Yahweh Prophetic Network Today's news fulfilling bible prophecy.................22

09-2019 Prophetic Word2019-09-25T11:56:38-04:00

04-05 Prophetic Word

There are many Prophecies in your bible, better yet in The Book of Yahweh, that show the Temple will be rebuilt in this generation, in troublous times. Yahweh’s Prophet Yechetzqyah (whose name was changed to Ezekiel to make the people forget the Name of Yahweh) showing great turmoil among the people in Jerusalem for [...]

04-05 Prophetic Word2019-06-17T10:14:18-04:00

06-2019 Newsletter

God/Lord did not create mankind or anything. The Being Who created mankind, gives us His Name. His Name is Yahweh. Even those who removed His Name from the Scriptures, admit His Name is Yahweh. Yahshua’s Name is the only Name to call on for Salvation, and Yahweh’s Name is the only Name to call [...]

06-2019 Newsletter2019-09-25T12:08:25-04:00
