A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Daughters of Yahweh
- Numbers 17, 28, 74 (Yisrayl’s lot) with explanations, verses, and quotes
- Prophecies reviewed: House of Yahweh established; Two Witnesses, Yahweh’s Plan to build a Family
Sons of Yahweh
- “Father Yahweh” detailed in Bible Code
- “Cleave to the Laws of Yahweh and the One Sent, Yisrayl Hawkins” discussed in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins given on 6/1/2013
- Deception will increase; Pastor reminded us to believe what ‘the prophets have spoken’
- We are to build Yahweh’s House – the protected place
- Pastor recounted a miracle that occurred at the Press Room several years previously; however, he warned us not to put our stock in miracles but rather remain loyal to the Words of Yahweh
- Teachings from The House of Yahweh will help us to recognize deception so that false messiahs/prophets do not overtake us with their deceptive teachings/ways
- Pastor explained Yahshua’s prayer for 1) His Disciples and 2) those who would come later (end times)
Scriptures: Mattithyah 24:7,24-25; Yahchanan 6:29,63, 17:14-17, 20-23, 20:29; Luke 8:13; Revelations 21:14-15, 22:16; Zecharyah 4:12; Ephesians 2:19-22; II Timothy 2:19