A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
- To receive power/authority from Yahweh requires unity; pure unity of heart must be achieved to be able to fulfill our responsibility of resurrection of the dead
- Using Pastor’s teaching about ‘climbing Mt. Everest’, we are reminded of all the work that is required in the process of overcoming all sin and to achieve unity
- Stressing the importance of study, devotion to prayer, and fasting, we are instructed to know these are components toward our goal of being in unity
- To be in ‘one accord’ is presented with several definitions from several sources; explanations are provided by stressing the necessity for agreement in our minds and hearts
- Pastor taught us about ‘the gathering’ – using his quotes, details are provided and expounded upon
- Aspects of communication are is presented including the electromagnetic field generated from the heart
- ‘The mind has its own brain’ – details from scientific article
Scriptures: Romans 8:18, 22; Acts 1:8, 2:1-4; Psalm 139:1-5; Deuteronomy 8:2,5,17
Some Quotes from the Books of Yisrayl Presented Today: Second Book, Chapter 22; Eighteenth Book, chapter 15; Nineteenth Book, Chapters 23, 24; Fifteenth Book, Chapter 41
Yisrayl Hawkins – Sermon from 6/9/2007
A few highlights from his sermon…
- Film on the beneficial aspects of the sun and Vitamin D shown; Pastor expounded on how Yahweh’s creation is for the benefit of mankind
- Pastor always warned us about the harmful effects of sunscreens; articles on skin cancer given
- Pastor spoke on the number 19 stressing information from Bullinger’s work
- He warned us about the foolhardiness of leaving the work for material things
- No matter how long Yahweh holds things back, Pastor reminded us to stay steadfast and remain in our place
Scriptures: Mattithyah 12:5,8,32,36, 24:7,44-46; Revelation 9:4-10, 17:1-5; II Timothy 4:3; Exodus 32:1; I Kepha 4:17; II Corinthians 5:10; Luke 12:35-46, 24:25