A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Daughters of Yahweh
- “How do we know” — numbers, scriptures, and Yisrayl quotes used to explain
- “Influence and Religion” discussed with explanations, numbers, quotes, and verses
- Details on holding back wars, according to scripture, numbers, Yisrayl’s teaching
- The number 1309 explained with Yisrayl quotes, additional numbers, and verses
- Overcome hatred and murmuring presented with ‘how’ to accomplish this goal
Sons of Yahweh
- “Babylon is Fallen” detailed in Bible Code
- “I Have Set Before You Heaven and Earth” in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Sermon by Yisrayl Hawkins on: 7/18/2020
Entitled: The House of Yahweh is on Trial Before Heaven and Earth
- Yahweh is in full control through these hard times – everyone must be proven
- Pastor referred to The Mark of the Beast as important reading material
- Minimize meat size portion to avoid aggressive tendencies that arise from over-eating red meat
- Yahshua taught/magnified the Laws of Yahweh
- Preachers are holding their people in the bondage of sin
- Satan gives the beast great authority – people have had the mark of the beast upon them since the time of Cain, the Nimrod system, Egypt and eventually Rome
- They had the land of milk/honey (the teachings of Yahweh) for 40 years, but they rejected it; Yahdah maintains the law-giving staff until Yahshua receives it.
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 30:1, 15, 17; Revelation 1:1, 22:12-16; Genesis 3:5; Mattithyah 7; Yahyl 2:25