A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation – Deception is Subtle
- Feelings/emotions discussed, stressing the temporary aspect, that can cloud our judgments, if we do not control them; therefore, we should trust/study Yahweh’s Laws
- Deception is subtle, it’s not obvious; if we aren’t careful, we can take on the characteristics of the Gods
- Satan is subtle and can influence easily, if we are not on guard; Yahshua is our example, we can examine ourselves according to His righteous example
- Testing can come through ‘little things’, and it will continue into other areas of our lives if we do not recognize these negative influences
- Deception defined in traditional dictionary, Yisrayl defined it in The Mark of the Beast, Book II; subtle influences discussed; study is our best way to avoid being deceived
- Our adversary is relentless – we cannot allow ourselves to forget this, even for a moment; to guard ourselves, do not settle for having a ‘lack of understanding’, we must remain sober, vigilant always; we have the tools available to us through the materials in The House of Yahweh
- Bad company corrupts righteous character – this can occur in several ways; leaning upon our own understanding; lack of study… are ways deception can creep into our lives
- Make the plan of Yahweh real to you, it must be real for us to succeed in righteousness; do not forget the teachings we have received, rehearse this
- Our minds receive many thoughts every day – we must examine our thoughts diligently
- Never underestimate Satan, we should never allow her deceptions to deceive or distract us – remember the cares of this life do not matter… only reaching our goals of attaining to the Kingdom matters
- There are underlying problems that can lead us into deception, examine ourselves to determine what we want—are our motives pure, if not we can be deceived
- Yahweh has given us many abilities—one we should not neglect is to forgive
- Deception can include desire—which could be positive or negative; ultimately deception can reflect what we desire; generally, deception is not forced upon us, but comes from the desire of our heart, whether for righteousness or evil
Scriptures: Proverbs 1:2, 3:5, 6:23, 28:26, 33:1-3; I Yahchanan 1:5, 4:1; Yechetzqyah 13:3; Genesis 3:1, 4-5, 18:27; Romans 3:4, 12:2, 13:11-12; Deuteronomy 28:15; I Corinthians 15:33; Mattithyah 4:4, 5:14, 17-19; I Samuyl 8:3-8; Isayah 8:20, 49:3-6; Numbers 14:27,34; Yahchanan 6:44, 12:46; I Timothy 6:10; II Kepha 2:1, 3:4-6, 17-18; Colossians 1:25-26; Luke 4:13; I Thessalonians 5:5; Ephesians 5:8
Quotes: First Book 20:109, 22:12; Second Book, 2:15, 22:16;Third Book, 4:22, Fourth Book, 26:8-9; Eighth Book, Part I, 28:70;Nineth Book Part I, 6:47; 15:9, Tenth Book Part I, 6:22, Part II 20:57; Eleventh Book, Part 1, 2:3-4; Thirteen Book Part I, 2:21; Fifteenth Book, 3:18